New Birthday Bouquet Pink Roses
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Hi! I hope your day is going good. I just had the best birthday weekend celebration and wanted to share my little painting I did. My manager at work gave me these pink roses! They're from Trader Joe's of course. I might retake the photo when it's dry. Anyway, my husband and I have bday's 2 days apart, so it's a funfilled week (actually I celebrate the whole month!) We started off with a Kool and the Gang concert at the OC Fair! They were so awesome! Then we saw Saturday Night Fever play in Laguna and Nick's for dinner! That was my first time at Nick's and it won't be the last. The Chilean Sea Bass was so yummy!
Then yesterday we got together with the family, at Cocina Enoteca in Irvine, and had a wonderful meal with great people! I have an extra day off today but I think I better come back down to reality before going back to work tomorrow.
I'm thrilled to say I sold this one yesterday! Yay! I had a plan to have a show at a craft fair so I've been accumulating lots of art. I'm not sure I'm going to now so it's time to start getting rid of the old to make room for some new!
I took it down because I was going to change it and someone contacted me asking if I offered prints. So she bought the original!
I'm currently planning some larger paintings (in my head...I don't even have them on paper yet!)
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