
New Woman in Red

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Titled: "It Takes Time" 

Size: 30x40 inch 

Medium: oil on stretched canvas 

Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. It really means a lot to have your support through all of this. I'm back to painting again and it feels good. We're putting good healing thoughts out there and my mom feels your prayers too! There's a light surrounding her. This month, being Breast Cancer Awareness month, it's on all of our my minds. This year more than ever. I've had my own scare with a lump and I'm kicking myself now, wishing I had demanded the biopsy 6 months ago when I had the ultrasound. I just had the 6 month follow up ultrasound and they told me that I need a biopsy now because "it shouldn't have grown that much in 6 months".  Ok…that doesn't sound good. If I had just asked for the biopsy back then I wouldn't be worried now. But…my P.A. said the breast imaging center is overly cautious about things and since they weren't worried, he's wasn't either. I went along with that and now it's grown. It's a tumor, no matter what, so I'll most likely have to have a lumpectomy or more. But in the meantime...I'm painting and large! 
I love painting on this size canvas. So much freedom! 

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...