
Jacarandas in Maui!

Upcountry in Bloom

Here's my latest painting of the Jacaranda trees in Maui! I just love the color of these beautiful trees! I was in Maui over a year ago now and we drove all over the beautiful countryside in search of these trees. I went down this exact street but it didn't look like this. The trees weren't blooming...and everything seemed a little dry. I was lucky enough to have discovered a wonderful photographer from Maui on Facebook. His name is David Schoonover. I contacted him to ask if I could use his photos of the Jacaranda trees as reference for a painting. He said ok! He actually ended up being from a town not far from me! It's such a small world. I was so glad I asked him! I didn't want to copy his work but use it as a reference so I went on Google maps and took a tour through Upcountry on Maui until I found the same street. Believe me, it took a while but it was fun! I found other paintings I want to do later.

google maps reference

I just discovered another resource for photos that are ok to use. Richard Robinson gave the tip on his website. It's called, appropriately, "Paint my Photo", and has many photos that members have uploaded for other artists to use. My ideal would be to bring my easel to Maui and plop it down right in front of that tree and paint the day away...but reality sets in, and until that day comes, I'm happy to have these great resources and gracious photographers available to me!


Pink Fields of Tulips!


I love fields of colorful flowers and when I saw the photography of Steve Phelps I knew I just had to paint them! These are beautiful pink tulips in Washington. Steve has been following my
art on Facebook for a while now and about a months ago he posted one of his gorgeous photos on my
page and said that my art had inspired his work! It is really an honor to inspire another artist and I was thrilled when I asked if I could use his work as reference for a painting. Well this is what he inspired me to do! I just love the creative world of art! I've met so many really nice people.



oil on canvas

I just complete this large hydrangea painting for a client. I've never painted them before but it was fun! I love hydrangeas. They remind me of vintage gardens. My mom has one in her garden, growing in a pot. It actually looks similar to this one, but more pinks. I love all the varieties there are. 

I'm off to town for some shopping, then I'm going work on a few new paintings of trees...Jacarandas and more! 
Have a great weekend! 


Roses and Cherries 2...maybe 3


I just completed this commission for one of my awesome collectors! It's a 12x12 canvas. I did one very similar to this one a few years back on an 8x8 canvas. I just bought some larger square canvases and can't wait to get started on them. Now,  I just have to decide what to paint on them.

I have one more commission I'm working on for a client. It's a large hydrangea painting. I'll share it here with you all when I finish it. I hope everyone is week and enjoying the weekend!
The weather has been pretty hot here so I've been inside for the most part. Heat seems to really bother me now. I need to live somewhere where the weather is moderate year round. That would be Southern California. Now if I could only get my husband to follow me there! 
Oh well, I guess I'll just stay inside for now.

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...