
New Tulip Painting!

Here's the finished painting! I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name. I felt it had a musical quality and Enzie came up with "Dance of the Tulips"! It's the prefect name. I have such a hard time putting my thoughts into words sometimes. I know what I want to say, I just can't come up with the right words. I'm going to retake the photo because the right side had a slight glare which makes it look washed out and grainy.
So for now, it's on to my next painting! I think I'm going to stay with the spring inspiration right now!



More Progress on the Field of Tulips

I worked some more on this piece yesterday, and am just about finished. I do think the two stripes of flowers in the distance could be broken up a bit, but other than that I think it's done! I'll try to get some better photos later today but it looks like rain, so no sun. Have a great week ahead! 



New Painting in Progress- Tulips Field of Flowers


Here's what's on my easel today! I was inspired by the Tulip Festival (didn't get to go) in Washington State. I'm trying to figure out color gamuts and should probably do some small studies before attempting a large painting like this! It's an 18x24, oil on stretched canvas. I toned the canvas with the yellow in the sky because I want it to glow. After I blocked in the red tulips, I realized I should have used another tone instead of the bright red. Now I need to go back and adjust. I'd also like to add some other accents of pink and maybe purple tulips, and darken the mountains, slightly. 
The mountains were inspired by my recent trip down south. So this place doesn't really exist, just in my mind and now on canvas. 
I'm working on drying the eye through the scene with the clusters of tulips but will need to define the path some more without making it obvious. I'm contemplating whether or not to add a little cottage or farm to this one. I know it would work, but it's so peaceful without it. We'll see. 



Stormy Days Ahead…


(well, I hope not!)
This one was done as a request to match two other pieces my client had purchased earlier. He asked for a stormy seascape with clouds. It's an acrylic on paper, which you may notice is different from my usual oils. Oils are so much more enjoyable for me to work with, but I like how this turned out in the end. I'm working on my color schemes lately and like the more subdued, moody feel to this one. I didn't have a photograph to work with, so I used several different ones, and made it up as I went along. 



I'm having a Facebook Print Giveaway!

This giclee print can be yours! Just pop on over to my Facebook by clicking on this link for all the details on how to win! Click Here! Good luck! 
And if you're new to Facebook and my page welcome!:)



Trip to Southern California; What's your favorite drive?

Huntington Beach Harbor

I visited my home a few weeks ago. My daughter was off for Spring Break and I needed to take care of some art business, while also using this opportunity to do some field work, the perfect opportunity for a Road Trip!! In the end I had over 300 photos! That is…with the help from my passenger (aka daughter). Some of the photos aren't worthy of showing, only because my passenger window in my car can't roll down, along with both of the back ones, which I just discovered! Anyway…on the bright side, I can use any of the photos as painting reference. I don't need a picture perfect photo, that's what I do with the paint! 

The first photo is where we stayed for the week. I'm so lucky to have a sister who lives in a home with such a gorgeous backyard. Yes…this is her actual view from her deck! We were living the good life! The weather was a bit too cold for the beach but we made the best of it. Funny though, the week before...perfect weather...and now, two weeks later, my dad tells me it's hotter than the hottest day in summer! Isn't that the way things go! haha

Kincaid's Redondo Beach

Here's a shot of my favorite place to visit when I go home, The Redondo Beach Pier! I used to go there as a child, then, as a teen had lots of fun catching crabs off the side! They tasted so nasty though! 
Later, when my daughter born, we had so much fun spending the afternoon at The Fun Factory, then would enjoy a nice bread bowl of clam chowder…not anymore, since I found out I have Celiac. ugh! But I still have the memories, and absolutely love the ocean air with the seagulls soaring overhead. 
This is home. 

Tony's on the Pier

In the photo above you can see Palos Verdes, which I just painted a month ago. Not sure if I'm going to work more on it or not. It's hanging in my home right now, so I can decide. In the meantime, it brings me a little piece of home in my mountain retreat!:) That's what I like to think of my home now…just temporary…until I can move back to my real home of Southern California. I'm not sure of what city, but I just can't stay away. Going back just makes me long for it more. 

I finally had a chance to visit my brother and get a tour of his little town of Ventura! Who knew this town was an artist's haven! We drove up to what Venturians call "The Cross" for a beautiful view of the whole town, from the vineyards to sea. It has everything! 

He even informed me of the affordable housing for artists! Can you believe that? They actually support starving artists and their families! I only wish I had known about this years ago. I haven't applied for it yet, but am seriously thinking about it. 
It seems the wait list is extensive, which makes sense. Who wouldn't want to live and paint in such a gorgeous place? 

Carmel Scenic Loop

Back to the trip…

At the last minute (that's how I roll, not the planner at all), we decided to drive home up the coast instead of the boring old Interstate 5. I'm so glad we did because it was the absolutely most gorgeous day for it! I've done the drive a few times before and it's always foggy…and a little scary. I guess someone knew I was driving that day because it couldn't have been any more perfect! 
We took our time and, instead of a 7 hour drive, it ended up taking 14 hours! I drove the whole way, while my daughter snapped away, getting shots like the one above, of Carmel By the Sea. How gorgeous is that? Another big artist's town and no wonder. 
This one is sure to become a painting soon! 

I also got a lot of the rolling green hills with some wild flowers (but I'll have to add more flowers to make it a nice painting!) 
I gained so much material and inspiration from this trip and we had a fabulous time! It was just so fast! Need to go back soon! What's your favorite drive? 


I'll do a part 2 soon with more photos! 


Spring in a Mason Jar!

Spring in a Mason Jar

Here's the finished painting! I'm already planning my next one. I used a palette knife for most of the painting except for some areas that I wanted to recede a little. I posted some close ups on Etsy so you could see the palette work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and have a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers blooming! I'll just be working on another painting!:) 



More progress on my spring floral painting...

16x16 inch oil

If you saw how this began, it's changed a lot. It's definitely a work in progress! I usually paint florals this way; make it up as I go. I try to have an idea about the kinds of flowers and the basic colors I want to use but it always evolves. Even if I have it set up just the way I want it, once I start painting, it takes a life of it's own. 
I think I'm going to take out the middle green bud in the top left corner and am not sure about the bright orange/red tulip hanging down. It may become more of a yellow/orange and a different kind of flower all together! I'm using a palette knife with a little brush work to give some variety, but I like the free movement I get with a palette knife. Anyway, I'm loving painting these spring flowers! 


New Spring Painting in Progress

Just getting started on this one, inspired by the coming of Spring! I've just laid down some color but have a long way to go yet. It's actually already changed I just haven't loaded the pic yet! It's a 16x16 inch canvas and I'm using both a palette knife and brush with lots of juicy paint! 

I took a very quick last minute trip to the South Bay, with my daughter, last week. She was on her Spring Break and I thought it would be nice to go down and visit family while getting some business done. We had a great time seeing everyone and managed to take over 300 photos! Lots of inspiration! I needed to get some new reference photos of the area and stopped by a restaurant that I'm hoping to have my work in. They contacted me about 3 months ago, and I've been working with them, planning what paintings they are interested in, the sizes, doing tests on the canvases for durability, etc.. Now I'm just waiting for the final word from the corporate office (send me some good vibes!). It would be a really big deal for me! 


NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...