
Day 30 and I finished them all!

Oh Little Deer

This is number 24, inspired by a sweet little deer I captured on my phone,in the meadow the other day. You can see the rest of the paintings on my facebook fan page here-J Beaudet Studios. While you're there I'd love for you to "like" my page!:)
I love seeing them grazing in the sunlight. I'm going to be listing all of my
paintings from the 30 in 30 Day Challenge and will be 
sharing them again on here when I 
retake the photos.



Day 18 and running out of time!


Well I've almost made it to 20 of 30 and I'm thinking that's pretty good! I'm not sure if I want to sell this one but need the money...so she's for sale (at least for now). 



Day 17 Still in the game!


I'm still trying to paint 30 in 30. This has been quite the challenge for me! This painting (sketch) was completed in about an hour because I wasted the day doing nothing (well cleaning...so I guess that's something). 

So I've been noticing some strange traffic to my blog. I'm getting a lot from something called vampire stats and some other strange ones. I wonder if that means my blog was hacked or something. I've also emailed a few old blogger friends and haven't heard back from them. I guess people are too busy to reply, but it's strange that no one replied. I'm wondering if they even received the messages. I guess I shouldn't worry about...I'll just keep painting and posting.

I'm having lunch with a group of artists today and am excited to meet them and learn more about their art! I'm a little worried about eating out because of my celiac and other allergies. I avoid eating out anymore and have only found a few places i can eat. A lot of restaurants say they have gluten free items but why does it make me sick. So I usually pack a lunch, but that's just a little too embarrassing in this case. I just wish I didn't have to worry about this. 



Day 16 and a New Series of Figure Paintings


I've been planning this series for a while now and excited to get started! There will be 10 when it's complete but that might take me a while. I have three commissions in the works now and am still trying to complete the 30 in 30 Day Challenge by Leslie Saeta.

This new figure series was inspired by a blog I found via Facebook. I thought my daughter would like it...so I "liked" it. Turns out I'm the one that liked it. It's called Running in Wedges Nicole Alyse is  New York City,personal style blogger and vintage buyer. She not just beautiful,also has great hair and an amazing photographer. One day a post popped up and I was inspired to paint her so I was thrilled she said yes, and have been anxious to start the series ever since. It will consist of a series of 10,small format,somewhat abstract figures of vintage fashions.

If you've been following for a while you may remember how excited I was to have my daughter be my muse, only to discover I'm too attached to the paintings to sell them. Now I'm happy to have  found Nicole's blog,and my new muse!...Maybe someday...when I'm famous...I will be able to afford a live model, but until then, thank you Nicole!


Day 15 of the 30 Day Challenge

First Day of Fall

Happy First Day of Fall! Time for sweaters, boots, and cozying up by the fire. 
Are you ready? I can't believe how fast summer flew by but fall is
such a beautiful time of year, I'm happy it's here! Now let's just skip to Spring! 
This is an 8x8 inch done with both a palette knife and brush. I just bought a new
brush and am loving it! It's a flat size 6 and has such a nice sharp end! 
I hope I can keep this one that way. This is a quick post so I can start on another.
Playing catch up after a few days of floundering! Actually I was preparing for
an artists in action show here in town but we got rained out this morning. What a disappointment. But I had a nice rainy day, staying inside where it was cozy and warm. Welcome in Fall! 



Day 13 and 14!



I'm getting caught up!
 I'm still working with acrylics and am just exploring the colors 
and how the paint 
works so these are just studies. 
The abstract was done partly with a palette and they're both on paper. 
Well, I had a bad thing happen today, 
or at least I just found out about it. Quite a few Chinese websites stole my work
 without my permission and looks like they're trying to sell it. I can't read what it says though
 and at least they're nice enough to put my name on it! 
Apparently, there's nothing that can be done about it
 but it's another good reason not to buy anything made form China, which seems to be almost everything. Imagine how many jobs we would have here! 



Day 12 of the Challenge- Transitioning From Oils to Acrylics


I'm experimenting with acrylics, so I did this really quick "sketch".  I was trying to go so fast so the paint wouldn't dry! I'm so used to oil's slow drying time and my colors. I know exactly what color to mix with another to get what I'm after, when using oils. I have a limited number of acrylics so had to make due. The one thing I did discover is that I can almost achieve the same feel as oils, which is what I'm after. I'm going to try some more tomorrow and maybe actually spend some time at it. In some research, I found that you need to use some kind of medium with acrylics to give it some body and using it doesn't effect the intensity of the color but rather extends your paints! That's a good thing! So I'll need to purchase some gel medium and some good quality acrylics in my basic palette I'm already using with oils. 

I was actually in bed half the day, feeling wiped out, but managed to get this day's painting done! So it ended up being a good day after all and now I'm eager to continue my transition to acrylics.

It's funny how sometimes you need a change; life is just like that. Fall is a good time for change...



Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



Day 10 of 30 in 30 Challenge


Day 10 (I know...it's the 13th, not the10th) and I'm not finished! I'm having a hard time with this challenge, but I'm not going to give up. I'll finish this one tomorrow morning then start on a new one or two! I also need to buy some canvas and am thinking of using just one size for the rest of this challenge so I can have some uniformity to all of them when I'm finished. I've been skipping around with what I have on hand, but the "second half" will be all one size. 6x6 inch panels are the popular size, but I like 8x10's  and 8x8's with a little more surface to paint. I may not be cut out for daily painting. We'll see after I finish this month.



30 Day Challenge Number 9

I've done this one before but decided to repaint it and soften the transitions of the clouds. I also moved some palm trees around and gave them more movement. 



Day 8 of the 30 in 30 Challenge and Another Abstract

oil on gallery wrapped 1 1/2 inch sides

Having fun with different abstracts while doing this challenge.



Day 7 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

After two days with no painting, I'm back at it! I plan on catching up so I'll end up with 30 at the end of 30 days. Maybe tomorrow! I needed to drive to the city for a Trader Joe's run and get a painting framed for a show coming up. I ended up framing it myself due to time and found out it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. So, I found a way to save about $10- $15! 

This painting is very similar to one I did about a year ago but this time it's a square and is unique in its own way. It's a scene from a nearby town. 

I'm hoping to get to some figure paintings tomorrow! I haven't done one of those for months and need to get back into that. They seem to be my most popular and I enjoy painting them:)



Day 6

I will post the info for this one tomorrow. I just wanted to keep up (even though I'm still a day behind)!
I like this one too. Maybe all this painting has been worth it. I'll get back to that when it's been a month!


Day 5 and Poppies!

8x8 inch

Here's my painting for day 5 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge. I've almost made it through one week! This painting makes me happy, I hope it does the same for you:)

Have a great weekend!
...I'll be painting. What do you have planned?


Day 4 of the 30 in 30 Challenge with a Little Abstract

I haven't done many abstracts so it's a little difficult to show them to you, but since I'm trying to 
keep up with this challenge I thought I'd just do it! The color is a little fresher in person. This is a little grayed, so I may take the photo again but it's pretty close. Abstracts are so personal; I may or may not put this one on Etsy...


30 in 30 Day 3

California Cow 1
6x6 inch
oil on panel

On day 4 now, and hoping to get two done to catch up! 
I have some more cow/barn, and maybe horses to do. I took a drive to Douglas City 
and got some good
reference photos to work from The weather is so nice today 
I may take my paints outside and paint. 
It's only supposed to reach 80! 


30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.



30 in 30 Day One


I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge and already a day behind! But I guess I'll just finish on the 31st. I should end up with a lot of different paintings! I plan on doing some fall trees soon so stay tuned!:) This painting is from a photo I took in Davis, California. My daughter is going to school there so I've been able to spend lots of time there. It's an absolutely adorable town with just enough things going on to keep you busy. I think it's perfect, besides being a little expensive.

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...