Showing posts with label florals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label florals. Show all posts


Same artist New Name! Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Jen Beaudet Z

Same artist New Name! Formerly Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going now Jen Beaudet Z

Field of Flowers oil painting J Beaudet Studios

Artpromotivate: Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going: Spotlight on California, USA artist Jennifer Beaudet, featuring Modern Impressionist paintings.

Hey guys! I wanted to share this interview I did for Artpromotivate. 2013. It shares a little bit about my inspiration, education, and my process. I was going by Jennifer Beaudet then, because...well...that was my name. I have recently been trying separate myself from another oil painter with the same name. I would have used my middle name but she beat me to it! And it turns out we have the same middle name too! It's enough to make you crazy. It wouldn't bother me except her website comes up when I do a search for my name. All my paintings come up, but I'd kind of like this website to come up first since I've been at this since 2009. So...since I just got married in September 2020, I figured it's a good time for change. Previously, I had been signing my work J Beaudet, but from now on it will be J Beaudet Z. Hopefully you will not be confused. I'm still going by Jen Beaudet but now there's a Z at the end, for new Dutch hubby.

Anyway, I'm so happy with my new name and hope this works to separate myself from the rest! After racking my brain, trying to come up with something that makes me different, I realized I'm a left-handed artist! Only 10% of the population is left handed, so I think that makes me kind of unique. It's funny, but losing my name felt like a loss of my identity! Like identity theft. It's a weird feeling. I had to search for who I am all over again. I was Jennifer Beaudet for 30 years and J Beaudet, the artist, since I was in college. The fact we share the same middle name is just unreal! Not that it matters, because you can't hear the pronunciation, but I say it "Boday" like Monet, she says Beaudet like "debt" (sorry, I couldn't think of another example). So how we differ is, I'm left handed and pronounce it Boday, I'm from California and I'm older....(by only 2 years, but still) Haha! So now, I'm moving on...New year, new name...

J Beaudet Zondervan (the cool thing is it's Dutch like Van Gogh! 

I'd love to hear other artist's thoughts about this. Has anything similar happen to you? Or maybe you have another suggestion? You can email me @ or comment here

Poppies Delight
J Beaudet Z 
click to see prints available 

The Moment 
J Beaudet Z 
CLICK for print options 

The Forgotten Rose
by J Beaudet Z
Click for print options

Picked For You
by J Beaudet Z SOLD
Click for print options

You can help me by sharing these with my new name and linking back to this website! Thank you!!!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support over all these years! 


New loose expressive floral paintings by J Beaudet Z

New loose expressive floral paintings by J Beaudet Z

30x40 inch acrylic on canvas 

I am loving this one so much. The photo got a little washed out on the left from the sun but you can see the movement and energy this one has. I think the acrylics have an oil paint feel to them. I actually like how it started out but I needed to add yellow for my client. I'm definitely going to explore more like this. 
It reminds me of some of my earlier work but large. It feels great to get back to my expressive paintings! I may have been having an artist's block caused my my dad passing away and then the virus but I think I past that! Whew! If anything good came out of this third shutdown, at least I found my voice as an artist again. 

Have you found new passions or maybe a renewed passion? How have you been coping? I'm in California so you might know we're shutdown again and I'm a hairstylist, so that means I'm home for a few weeks. It's frustrating, but I totally understand and am all for getting this under control. My daughter is an RN and has definitely seen the cases skyrocket, recently. I worry about her. I also worry about my sister who is also an RN. We're staying away from my mom and step dad but it's pretty hard not to see them. I feel so bad for people who are alone right now. I'm so fortunate to have someone to spend my quarantined days with. 

I plan on posting more the next few weeks and painting some more juicy, loose, and yummy paintings! 

Here's a few older paintings that have the same feel...Most are much smaller. All have sold but I will be offering some new ones soon! 

Peach Shell with Vase
5x7 inch oil on canvas
SOLD Available as a print here

Red barn by Jen Beaudet Zondervan
8x8 oil on canvas

Hydrangea with Lemons
8x10 oil on Canvas
SOLD Available as a Print

Small floral by J Beaudet Zondervan
oil on paper

Floral Sketch by Jenn Beaudet Z
oil on paper

Hollyhocks painting by Jennifer Beaudet Z
18x24 oil on canvas

Floral by Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan
oil on paper 

There are a few more but basically there is a certain style I can see in the way I paint. Each of these paintings just "happened" without any fuss and that does come through. It's not always easy...

©BeaudetZ ™


NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...