
Black Rock View Maui...


This painting is another one from my enormous collection of photos I took last year. I hope I'm not boring you all with my Hawaii dreaming! I have one more large piece to do of this photo below.
I'm not sure if you know so thought I'd mention, I do commissions! 
If you have a favorite spot and have a semi good photo of it I can bring it to life and create a memorable keepsake for you or it would make a great wedding gift or realtor house warming gift! I will post some that I've done in the past some time soon. I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a nice one with a visit to my mom's house. She and her husband just got back from their winter in Mexico! 
They were gone for about three months and it's sure good to have them back in town again! 
Happy sunshine day with spring so close!


La Petite Gallery said...

This is beautiful, love the way you painted the Bougainvillea.


Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you Yvonne! I love all the bougainvillea there is along the roadside in Lahaina. It's beautiful! We also had a lot of it down in Southern California. I love the way its takes over! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Unknown said...

Wow...stunning. Great way to celebrate a trip. I will share on my fb page.
This is so lovely. We were suppose to go to Hawaii on my 20th but I said we could redo the bathroom and make a sunroom. I always think of the family first. So I gave up a new ring and trip to Hawaii. But on our 30th our entire family went to Europe...England, Ireland Paris. I hope to get to Hawaii soon though.

Unknown said...

I shared your auction link on my art page and personal page.
I had to share this link because your picture wouldn't come up of you blog link.


Lisa Graham said...

This is so lovely and makes me want to walk on the beach with warm sand in between my toes. I don't see how anyone would grown tired of Hawaii, especially painted as pretty as this.

Vintage Home said...

I love the rhythm...and the colour!

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you Lisa! Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to tire of living in paradise!

Vicki said...

Hi, Jennifer; long time no talk. I've had a hard first quarter of the year. Complicated. Stressful. Computer crashed early on and it's been hard for me to blog. Mom got really sick and she passed away last month; as you might remember, her road had been long in these ending chapters, although I'm trying to take my own advice, which I give to others, and find a way to somehow celebrate her nearly-ninety years of a well-rounded and good life. There are so many details to attend to with end of life including her home, so I'm busy, but I get the meltdowns. I hope you're feeling better; I've had some health issues, too. But enough with Debbie Downer! Coming back here has perked me up; your art is so lovely. Love the poppy work, "Bather" was top drawer (REALLY top drawer; amazing) and your abstracts are more and more intriguing. Glad to see you're still painting up a storm (or at least the storms over Maui!!). I'll check in again; I'm hoping life will return to some normalcy but it seems unlikely anytime soon. You're my art therapy! Take care. From your big fan and repeat buyer up here north of L.A.

Jen Beaudet said...

Dear Vicki,
I was just thinking about you and wondering how things were with you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I'm going to send you an email but you don't need to reply. You have a lot to deal with.
Take Care Dear Vicki,

La Petite Gallery said...

came by for another look, very pretty.

La Petite Gallery said...

Thanks for the comment Tip ONeal was House speaker I think he did 5 terms..I saw the post with the artist's great, the poodle was darling. yvonne

Jen Beaudet said...

Oh thanks Yvonne! I was pretty young then and didn't pay attention to politics! Now it feels almost my every waking hour (not by choice but I am very well informed)
Enzie is an amazing artist.

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...