
Spring blooms...

available here

It was such a beautiful day here today so I spent sometime outside, but
managed to finish this one. I sat out near some gigantic lilac bushes (more like trees).
We have white and lilac and they smell so sweet. 
The only bad thing was all the bees.
There were bees of every kind but mostly the big black bomber bees, I think they're called 
wood bees. I left them alone and they thankfully they did the same. I don't 
know if they sting but I sure didn't want to find out!
I had a great weekend...I hope you did to.

(I'm surprised I didn't capture a bee in this photo!)


Lorrie said...

What a beautiful painting - all those pretty flowers! The lilacs are so gorgeous - ours are not quite blooming yet, but should be by the end of the week. I can hardly wait. They smell so wonderful.

Glad the bees left you alone.

Susan said...

Hi Jennifer...Oh, I LOVE lilacs. I could just about smell the one you photographed. Your painting is delightful, too. Love it.Susan

Diane said...

Soooo beautiful Jennifer!!!
...and lilacs--one of my favorites--one of our first signs around here that Spring is really here.

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you all! I know Diane, I love when I see the lilacs blooming...warm weather is here!

Vicki said...

Jennifer, hi; I'm having trouble leaving comments (guess it's my system), but I'm writing this on May 4 to say how beautiful your last two still-life watercolors are; what a pair! Glad to see you're keeping at the watercolors; you've got great talent for them. I was just prompted to write after I saw the one you put up called, "Blush." Gorgeous!

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments!
Hi Vicki! I'm sorry you're having trouble with comments. The same thing happens to me! It's frustrating. I'm so happy to hear that you like my new ones.
Thank you!

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...