Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts


Finished my Palos Verdes, California Coastal Painting!

I'm not used to painting this large and it taking so much time. I tried to rush it posting my progress everyday, which I will continue to do. However, I need to take a step back, give it a few days before I post it for sale. I ended up making a few changes to make the diagonal lines less prominent by adding some curves. Sometimes when I'm not sure of what to change, I go to my favorite workshop site, Richard Robinson's The Complete Artist. The people on there are always helpful and sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get input from Richard, himself! Michael Severin, is so knowledgeable about painting and design, I always learn something from his help! 



Jacarandas in Maui!

Upcountry in Bloom

Here's my latest painting of the Jacaranda trees in Maui! I just love the color of these beautiful trees! I was in Maui over a year ago now and we drove all over the beautiful countryside in search of these trees. I went down this exact street but it didn't look like this. The trees weren't blooming...and everything seemed a little dry. I was lucky enough to have discovered a wonderful photographer from Maui on Facebook. His name is David Schoonover. I contacted him to ask if I could use his photos of the Jacaranda trees as reference for a painting. He said ok! He actually ended up being from a town not far from me! It's such a small world. I was so glad I asked him! I didn't want to copy his work but use it as a reference so I went on Google maps and took a tour through Upcountry on Maui until I found the same street. Believe me, it took a while but it was fun! I found other paintings I want to do later.

google maps reference

I just discovered another resource for photos that are ok to use. Richard Robinson gave the tip on his website. It's called, appropriately, "Paint my Photo", and has many photos that members have uploaded for other artists to use. My ideal would be to bring my easel to Maui and plop it down right in front of that tree and paint the day away...but reality sets in, and until that day comes, I'm happy to have these great resources and gracious photographers available to me!


Dreaming of Hawaii...

If you've been following my blog over the years, you know just how much I love Hawaii. I really can't choose a favorite island, although, I have yet to stay on Oahu. I've flown in there and have seen the busy freeways, so that has always detoured me, but I'm sure it has it's unique characteristics just as each island has. This particular painting came from a photo I took on my last trip to Maui. I can't believe it's almost been a year since we were there! I need to put it out there that it's time to go again. Maybe the next time we'll be searching for our new home, or at least dreaming about it. I would really even live in a hut if I could live there! 
I find the idea of growing my own food and picking fruit of the trees, collecting water from rain, and maybe having chickens, so cool. 
This painting is of the upcountry in Maui. There are quiet meandering roads up there and they're lined with jacaranda trees. This is one of my favorites so far. I hope you all like it as much as I do! Sometimes it happens that the paintings that I'm the most please with aren't the most popular but I usually have a pretty good idea about it. 
I have so many paintings in my mind and just can't get them done fast enough! I love painting! I love bringing the ideas in my head to canvas and coming up with a finished piece that will be
around forever. It's such a feeling of accomplishment. And if somebody decides they want to live with it forever, well. that's even better! This is the best job ever!


A little bit of purple...

being revised 

This was a little different for me because of the odd size of canvas. It's 18x36 inches so it's pretty long. It's hard to see the details here so I've added some close ups on my Etsy listing here. I used a palette knife for most of it and a brush to fill in small areas and soften a few things. The grass in the foreground is showing up the wrong color. It's a little more yellow green instead of that brown color. This one is definitely for a purple lover! 


Spring Musings...


on my easel 

close up

The sun came out again today was welcomed with open arms and smiling faces. This painting is another in my Bloom series. I however, did not use a palette knife for this one, just my brushes and lovely poppy red! I'm inspired by the pantone colors for 2013. I'm loving all the colors this year! 
I can't wait for the Spring fashions to be released! 

Looking forward to some nice weather here. I'm not sure about my trip to Mexico now. I haven't been feeling very good lately and don't want to buy a ticket and not be able to go. I'll keep you up dated if things change. Check back here for more Spring musings!

click here for the full view


Waimea Abstract

Still continuing with a painting a day, I've completed a few more today and revisited my favorite place with this one. I think I might like this version more than my first. I will be retaking the photo and post it on Etsy or DPW tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a little more light. I'm trying to loosen things up and I find using acrylics can really help with that. I feel less committed to a painting and more free to try new things, because of the cost and the fact they dry so fast! I had forgotten how convenient acrylics are. As soon as I'm ready to take it off the easel to start another, it's dry! No messy wet paint all over. 

I'm starting to work on some abstracts and feeling a little out of my comfort zone. I sent photos of them to my daughter and am awaiting her opinion before I show everyone. I like them...but who knows what they really look like. It's a lot more difficult to go abstract then it looks. It's all about color harmony and design. But it can go bad fast! I had to completely paint over one that I did. I've been working fairly small to start but eventually (when I get some really big canvas) I plan on going large!

I really appreciate your comments! 


A Day on the Trinity...

click here to view on Etsy

This should make the fisherman in your life happy! It's cold and snowy now but not too long ago it looked like this. It's amazing how the seasons fly by! I'm enjoying every moment with my family this special time of year. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family these coming days! 
I'm so fortunate to have so many followers of my art and this little blog. You truly bring a smile to my face with every comment! Thanks for hanging around all these years! And welcome to my new readers! 


An early Christmas gift!

a gift to you

Hi to all my blogland friends! I would like to give you this Christmas card as a gift for your loyalty and support! You mean so much to me and have touched my life in so many ways. This is my way of saying thank you! So please feel free to download this image for your own use (no mass producing as the image still belongs to J Beaudet Studios) You can make cards to send to your friends or just enjoy it in your own home:) If you do accept it please help spread the word about my work! Please post this on your blog if you have one and mention following my blog. Sharing it is so appreciated just as long as you give a link back and mention me:) I would be forever grateful! 

Happy Holidays!


First Sunset

no longer available 

This study of a sunset in San Clemente was done as one of the weekly challenges on Daily Paintworks. I'm donating this painting to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The challenge was to paint the sky, which seems easy enough but I have some things to learn yet. I'm taking a workshop from Richard Robinson and this month is dedicated to painting clouds. Just what I needed. I was fortunate enough to have him choose my Hawaii painting (see earlier post below) for his critique last month. I learned a lot from it and am looking forward to many more workshops. I'm still going to post photos of my paintings in the local gallery but haven't gotten to that yet. I'll be getting another piece in another gallery this month. Stay tuned...
Have a great weekend!


Dreaming of Hawaii...

Ahhh...that's how I feel when I think of Hawaii. I wonder if I would still feel that way
if I lived there. Would that feeling go away? 
I did this painting for an online workshop I'm doing. It's called The Complete Artist and is
taught by Richard Robinson. This was a challenge for me because of the sloping sand and shadows. The beach is called Turtle Beach on the island of Oahu. The official name is Laniakea. 
Beautiful place. 



in private collection

Kauai is one of my favorite islands in Hawaii. I really love them all but I've been to Kauai three times now and never get tired of it. It's everything I think of when I think of paradise. 
I took this photo a few years back and just found it when looking for another. It's a beach called Salt Pond Beach Park. I remember we almost had the whole beach to ourselves. 
It was magical, just like every day is in Kauai. 


Meandering Colors

Click to Bid in Auction
This is a piece I did for a challenge on DailyPaintWorks. I think I'd like to try something like this in a larger format. I have so many photos of landscapes that are nothing special but I think would make nice paintings. The great thing about art is you can add whatever you want! 

available on etsy 

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...