Showing posts with label etsy artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy artists. Show all posts


A New Woman in Red Painting

I took a break from my commissions (while waiting for my canvas to arrive) and painted this one. It's been a while since I've done a figure with the palette knife loose work. Felt good to free up and express my feelings with paint. I think I need some art therapy these days… 
I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name and Amira came up with the one I used, "Forgotten Rose". There were so many great suggestions! Thank you all! I was pleasantly surprised that this one sold in two hours after posting it! I really need to do more of these…and larger. This one was an 11x14 which is my go to size but I know many of you want a larger statement piece. Look for some in the future or, if you can't wait, commission me! 



My Life As a….Thriving Artist!

click to view on Etsy

Some wonderful places where my art has been mentioned:

if I forgot you please let me know so I can add your site here!

I appreciate all of you! I just wish I had known what a big deal it was back then. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. 

I even had a visit and comment from Joanna from A Cup of Jo and I really had know idea how cool that was. I loved her blog but didn't realize the opportunity. I've learned so much…but am still a little naive sometimes.

I'm going to be doing some small paintings starting in September as I am participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge again! Here's last year's post of my challenge. 

This year, I'm planning it out a little better and have preordered some canvas panels so I don't have to paint on paper. I may do a giveaway of an original sometime during the month so keep you eyes out for that! 

Below are some of my available paintings….

click to view on Etsy

click to view on Etsy

Thanks so much for your visit! I hope you all have a great week!:) 



New Tulip Painting!

Here's the finished painting! I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name. I felt it had a musical quality and Enzie came up with "Dance of the Tulips"! It's the prefect name. I have such a hard time putting my thoughts into words sometimes. I know what I want to say, I just can't come up with the right words. I'm going to retake the photo because the right side had a slight glare which makes it look washed out and grainy.
So for now, it's on to my next painting! I think I'm going to stay with the spring inspiration right now!



Wet Paint!

Fresh off the easel! Well...actually it's still on it. This one was done with a palette knife and brushes in oil. I used a Ray Mar hard panel board on this one and it an 11x14 inch. 



Irish Cottage Commission and Dream Travel Tour Inspiration

I wanted to share one of the commissions I've been working on. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and am very happy to say, so is the client! I'd love to paint one for you too! If you have a favorite vacation spot,honeymoon or wedding site,or even
family portrait, I'd love to work with you. You can find more information on commissioning me for a painting by clicking on the image below.

This painting has inspired me to start a travel series of paintings (when I'm done with the other commissions). 
I'm going to paint several paintings of places I that I dream about visiting someday and hope that my art will someday make it possible for me to. I'm going to start my Dream Travel Tour in.....Italy! I met a wonderful travel agent on a local networking group on Facebook. I'll announce her name with my first painting of the series. She's allowing me to find inspiration from her travel photos, and believe me she's been around the work and back! I'm like a kid in a candy store!
I'm working hard to improve my skills and developing my own signature style. I'm so happy you have all stayed with me through this journey! Thank you:)



Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



Lazy Lavender Afternoon...

available here

This painting is an 8x8 oil, on gallery wrapped canvas with painted sides, so it's ready to display! I tried to warm up the colors in this one so I used orange as a mother color. 
I also used a palette knife for most of it and an angled flat no. 6 brush here and there. 
I'm trying to discipline myself to paint at least one a day. These smaller canvases are 
perfect for that but I still need to work on larger ones too.
 So...we'll see if I can keep it up. I'm starting a commissioned piece right now 
with rich beautiful colors just in time for fall. After that trees:)


A Warm Welcome Palette Knife Painting

A Warm Welcome
11 x14
oil on canvas

It's been a while since I posted a new painting, and even longer since I've painted a door! It's not that I wanted to paint and have many ideas lined up, 
but have been focusing on my paleo diet, trying to get my auto immune problems under control. I researched a lot and have read that they have a tendency to progress to other one's, and I don't want that. 
I'm feeling pretty good and have much more energy, 
so I hope it's working. 

For this painting I used a palette knife for the majority of 
it and finished it up with a sharp angled brush for some details. I love the texture you get with the knife. I also tried to keep the colors on the warm side with a few complimentary ones here and there. 
Overall though, I was going for a warm, inviting feel.

What colors do you like to use or decorate with?


It's Christmas Time again...

this one is being revised:)

...Christmas in July that is! Join my shop and these other great shops from our Creative Trends Team for a 10% off sale! There's also a bonus coupon for November, if you purchase now. I don't hold sales very often; my next one won't be until Thanksgiving time, so...if you have had your eye on one of my original paintings now would be a great time to shop! I also have new giclees in my shop which are also on sale. The sale ends on July 21st but hurry so you don't miss anything. 

Here are the links to the other great shops participating in the sale-







This week I'm also participating in the Party over at Cindy's blog My Romantic Home

Have a great weekend!


Sunflowers Painting!

being revised
My inspiration for this painting was the weekly challenge on Daily Paintworks! I was a day late but at least I did it. I've done a few smaller sunflower paintings but never one this large. I tried to keep the colors dark so that the sunflowers could be the star of the show! With all that sunshine yellow there's no need for any other saturated color, with the exception of the touches of the magenta "flowers" that I added in the end. But even the magenta is not pure. 

Fourth of July has come and gone so quickly. Now it's on to my birthday! Time really needs to slow down! Summer is my favorite season and it seems so short. In honor of my favorite month I'm having a Christmas in July Sale in my Etsy shop! The sale goes from July 11th-21st and I'm offering 10% off anything in my shop. Mark your calendars! 
Time flies and the next thing you know it'll be Christmas time again! 



oil on canvas

I just complete this large hydrangea painting for a client. I've never painted them before but it was fun! I love hydrangeas. They remind me of vintage gardens. My mom has one in her garden, growing in a pot. It actually looks similar to this one, but more pinks. I love all the varieties there are. 

I'm off to town for some shopping, then I'm going work on a few new paintings of trees...Jacarandas and more! 
Have a great weekend! 


There's a giveaway going on!

available as a print

For a chance to win any 8x10 print from my Etsy shop just pop over to Melissa's blog, So About What I Said...! Melissa was so kind to host this for me! I hope you find her blog as much fun as I do and that you continue to follow her interesting, heartfelt posts. Please enter for a chance to win by commenting on her blog! Thank you for your support!


Sunflower Study...

Sunflower Study 3

I picked these happy sunflowers up at Trader Joe's this week. They have so many beautiful flowers right now! These actually lasted long enough for me to capture them in paint, 
so now they'll last forever. 
If you'd like to purchase these for your home just click on the title in the first photo and it will take you to Etsy. From there you can purchase it throughout Pay Pal. You can also click on the link to my Etsy shop to the right.

I had a wonderful, but super fast, week with my daughter, who was home from college for a week. She had to leave before Easter, so we had a family Easter dinner yesterday, which was really Good Friday. If I remember correctly you're only supposed to eat fish...well, we had ham. But to us, it really was Easter. It's so nice to get together with family.

While we were at my mom's I had my daughter pose for me in a beautiful red kimono. I think I managed to get a few photos that I'll be able to use for references. She's such a trooper! It was actually pretty funny and she had a hard time keeping a straight face through all the poses. 

I'm still working on a large Hawaii piece of Maui, it's slowly coming along. It's hard to keep working when my daughter is home. I just want to go play! So now it's time to get busy! One good thing about working from home is you can take time off whenever you want...that can also be a bad thing. I always need to keep disciplined or I'd never get any painting done. And there's so much more to being a working artist than just painting. Not complaining though...I love it!


Gifts From the Heart

Sometimes it's hard to find the perfect gift for someone who has everything. But they could just have many materials things that they've bought themselves, and would never think to have a painting specially made for them. It's a personal gift of love that comes form the heart and will always be cherished and used (or seen, I should say). I mentioned in my earlier post that I have done a few commissions over the years and this is one of them. I was commissioned by a gentleman to paint this portrait of his father, as a gift to his mother. His father had past away not long before. Handsome man, don't you think? The gift was received with great love and I was told how visitors often admire the painting. I think this has been my most special painting to date. 

Here's another commissioned piece I did. This one was for someone who wanted to remember a beautiful place she had once lived. Beautiful place indeed! I was just noticing this one reminds me of my latest piece. This one was 11x14 though and my latest is only an 8x8. I think I prefer the larger size. 


If you are interested in having a special piece done, just email me at jbboutique at and we can chat. I just received a new commission I'm excited about. 
It's of someone's young son and his friend and should be fun to paint! 


Dreaming of Hawaii...

If you've been following my blog over the years, you know just how much I love Hawaii. I really can't choose a favorite island, although, I have yet to stay on Oahu. I've flown in there and have seen the busy freeways, so that has always detoured me, but I'm sure it has it's unique characteristics just as each island has. This particular painting came from a photo I took on my last trip to Maui. I can't believe it's almost been a year since we were there! I need to put it out there that it's time to go again. Maybe the next time we'll be searching for our new home, or at least dreaming about it. I would really even live in a hut if I could live there! 
I find the idea of growing my own food and picking fruit of the trees, collecting water from rain, and maybe having chickens, so cool. 
This painting is of the upcountry in Maui. There are quiet meandering roads up there and they're lined with jacaranda trees. This is one of my favorites so far. I hope you all like it as much as I do! Sometimes it happens that the paintings that I'm the most please with aren't the most popular but I usually have a pretty good idea about it. 
I have so many paintings in my mind and just can't get them done fast enough! I love painting! I love bringing the ideas in my head to canvas and coming up with a finished piece that will be
around forever. It's such a feeling of accomplishment. And if somebody decides they want to live with it forever, well. that's even better! This is the best job ever!


A little bit of purple...

being revised 

This was a little different for me because of the odd size of canvas. It's 18x36 inches so it's pretty long. It's hard to see the details here so I've added some close ups on my Etsy listing here. I used a palette knife for most of it and a brush to fill in small areas and soften a few things. The grass in the foreground is showing up the wrong color. It's a little more yellow green instead of that brown color. This one is definitely for a purple lover! 




I just finished this painting for the weekly challenge on DPW. Carol Marine supplied this wonderful photograph which has inspired me to do some more like this. I found out that my mom has a wash bowl and pitcher very similar to this one. I'm going to have my mom and my daughter pose for me. My daughter is coming home on Spring break soon so hopefully I can get her to do that for me. 

I'm working on a large 18x36 canvas right now and it's coming along ok. I'm not use to this large so I have to remind myself that it takes time to finish something of this size. It's lavender fields, which I love. 

Have a great week!



Spring Botanical

This just says Spring to me! I traveled down the mountain the other day and on my way back up, noticed a tree starting to blossom!
 I was so happy to see that and since then we've been enjoying beautiful weather and walks on the trails just about everyday. 
My puppy dog is sure happy too! 


Spring Musings...


on my easel 

close up

The sun came out again today was welcomed with open arms and smiling faces. This painting is another in my Bloom series. I however, did not use a palette knife for this one, just my brushes and lovely poppy red! I'm inspired by the pantone colors for 2013. I'm loving all the colors this year! 
I can't wait for the Spring fashions to be released! 

Looking forward to some nice weather here. I'm not sure about my trip to Mexico now. I haven't been feeling very good lately and don't want to buy a ticket and not be able to go. I'll keep you up dated if things change. Check back here for more Spring musings!

click here for the full view

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...