Showing posts with label daily painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily painting. Show all posts


5 Reasons To Buy Art Direct From The Artist During A Crisis or Anytime

  1. You're stuck at home and discover a lot of blank walls or even worse, walls filled with nothing special.  
  2. Uplift the spirits of someone dear to you. This is a stressful time for all of us. How wonderful would it be to receive a personal gift like art? Giving art as a gift is special. It's much more personal gift card, and last a lot longer than a bouquet of roses! Your gift to your love one will be displayed and appreciated daily. Not tucked away in a drawer or even worse, re-gifted! 
  3. Buying art directly from the artist has a powerful meaning. You're not only supporting them so they can create more but you're bringing someone's creativity to your home. It's original, fresh, and alive!
  4. You're helping the economy.  Many artists support themselves or at least supplement their incomes through their art. 
  5. You're supporting the arts! Art is an important part of our society and our world. It enriches lives with beauty, intrigue, mystery, fantasy, and more. Art is seen throughout our history, from the time of cavemen. We can't stop making it. It's not the times of the Medici, when patrons supported their artists...or is it? You are our patrons. You are our Medici family. 

         Can you think of other reasons to buy art directly from the artist?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means so much! With your support, I am able to buy more supplies, pay bills, continue my therapy, and share my passion for our beautiful world! We need beauty in our lives...especially in times of crisis.


New Woman in Red Dress Painting

available here

I've been moving a lot lately and working as a hair stylist for some stability but I'm still painting. I'll never stop. This painting continues my series of dress paintings. I'm changing mediums from oil to acrylic and really like the feel of it. I'm still working on colors as always but I finally achieved the feel I was after. What do you think? Oil or Acrylic? Does it matter? I don't think so. I hope you enjoy my latest painting and hopefully you'll be around to see my next! It's going to be a floral! 

Hi Ruby! I'll never forget all you did for me:)


I finished the Challenge!

Thank you Leslie Saeta for hosting this challenge! I don't have all the paintings prepared to post in this collage, yet, so I'll have to do that later. This has been a great learning experience for me and has also helped get me into a habit of painting everyday! Thank you all who found something special to add to your home! Out of this bunch, eleven have sold and I think one from the bunch I haven't posted yet. I did want to keep them all similar but ended up doing some quick watercolor "sketches" for lack of time. I'm still working on several commissions along with all of these. 

I hope that this challenge can help me focus in one direction. I'm jotting down a plan of action right now. If anything it's renewed my momentum to keep pushing forward! 
I think most artists struggle with this at times, (at least I think they do). It's not an easy business to pursue, that's for sure. Putting your art art out there is like putting a piece of your soul out for the world to see! 

Thanks so much for following me on my journey! 



Day 3 Bougainvillea Love

The Sunny Side
8x8 inch
Blick canvas panel

This is another little painting inspired by my friend on face book's travel photos. I cropped in close on this scene and made the bougainvillea blooming a little more than it was at that time. I was drawn to this scene for the stairs, the flowers, and the sunny warmth on the stone walls. Off to paint my next one! 


A New Woman in Red Painting

I took a break from my commissions (while waiting for my canvas to arrive) and painted this one. It's been a while since I've done a figure with the palette knife loose work. Felt good to free up and express my feelings with paint. I think I need some art therapy these days… 
I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name and Amira came up with the one I used, "Forgotten Rose". There were so many great suggestions! Thank you all! I was pleasantly surprised that this one sold in two hours after posting it! I really need to do more of these…and larger. This one was an 11x14 which is my go to size but I know many of you want a larger statement piece. Look for some in the future or, if you can't wait, commission me! 



More Progress on the Field of Tulips

I worked some more on this piece yesterday, and am just about finished. I do think the two stripes of flowers in the distance could be broken up a bit, but other than that I think it's done! I'll try to get some better photos later today but it looks like rain, so no sun. Have a great week ahead! 



Spring in a Mason Jar!

Spring in a Mason Jar

Here's the finished painting! I'm already planning my next one. I used a palette knife for most of the painting except for some areas that I wanted to recede a little. I posted some close ups on Etsy so you could see the palette work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and have a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers blooming! I'll just be working on another painting!:) 



More progress on my spring floral painting...

16x16 inch oil

If you saw how this began, it's changed a lot. It's definitely a work in progress! I usually paint florals this way; make it up as I go. I try to have an idea about the kinds of flowers and the basic colors I want to use but it always evolves. Even if I have it set up just the way I want it, once I start painting, it takes a life of it's own. 
I think I'm going to take out the middle green bud in the top left corner and am not sure about the bright orange/red tulip hanging down. It may become more of a yellow/orange and a different kind of flower all together! I'm using a palette knife with a little brush work to give some variety, but I like the free movement I get with a palette knife. Anyway, I'm loving painting these spring flowers! 



Something for Spring!


I just finished this small springy piece and found out it sold this morning! I really enjoyed painting this one, trying to keep things lose but deliberate. I noticed it's very similar to a few of my earlier pieces.



Finished my Palos Verdes, California Coastal Painting!

I'm not used to painting this large and it taking so much time. I tried to rush it posting my progress everyday, which I will continue to do. However, I need to take a step back, give it a few days before I post it for sale. I ended up making a few changes to make the diagonal lines less prominent by adding some curves. Sometimes when I'm not sure of what to change, I go to my favorite workshop site, Richard Robinson's The Complete Artist. The people on there are always helpful and sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get input from Richard, himself! Michael Severin, is so knowledgeable about painting and design, I always learn something from his help! 



Final Woman in Red Dress Painting SOLD!

I finished this piece on day 4, Valentine's Day, appropriately! I listed it on Facebook and had it sold in
3 hours! It's always so exciting when that happens and I'm left wondering if I can do it again. Being consistent is not always easy. I recently had a discussion with a fellow artist about this subject. It is one of the most important aspect of success in this business, but being an artist, wanting to "express" my feelings, consistency can be challenging. This is when hard work and determination plays an important role. So…with all that being said, we'll see what I come up with next. 
Will I be able to do it again? Stay tuned to see! Are you being consistent? Any tips?



Day 3 of Woman in Red Painting

I've worked more on this one and am really enjoying the process. I think I mentioned earlier how much I love painting fabric. I remember back in my early college drawing class. 
One of the assignments was to draw a crumpled sheet. 
It seemed like an odd subject but I learned so much from it
 and was amazed when it actually became a piece of artwork. 
There's so much intricacy to the folds. Sometimes a bit challenging but in a good way! 

I'm planning on finishing this one today so hopefully will get it posted and listed on Etsy by tonight! 

Oh! Happy Valentine's Day! 



Progress on New Sitting Lady Painting

Here's what's on my easel today. It's an 18x24; larger than what I've been doing lately. It feels good to work on a larger canvas! So freeing (is that a word?) 

I'm going to leave the background alone…well I'm going to try to at least. It's hard to resist overpainting, 
but I want this to have a raw feeling.  She still needs work on her arms as right now she looks armless. They are resting on the sofa, so you basically all you see are her shoulders. I think her hands will be on her head, but will be very vague. More work needed on her dress. This is my favorite part. I love painting folds in fabric, especially beautiful dresses like this one. 



Sunset Stroll...

Here's a commission I'm finishing up this weekend. I still need to paint the figure in and work a little more on the background. I just really love the colors in this. I started it with a very colorful acrylic canvas. That way I didn't have to worry about any white peaking through.
 It's making me want to go to the beach, but that's nothing new. Thank goodness it's a sunny day here today...even though we desperately need rain here in California!  



Wet Paint!

Fresh off the easel! Well...actually it's still on it. This one was done with a palette knife and brushes in oil. I used a Ray Mar hard panel board on this one and it an 11x14 inch. 



Giving Thanks

I just wanted to take a moment to say how thankful I am to be living my dream! Up until now my life has been far from a dream but I've never given up on my dream of being a working artist! Don't ever give up on your dream! Be persistent, do at least one step a day to get you closer to your dream, and work your little tail off! I'm not there yet, but am working hard to conquer my fears and overcome some obstacles in my way. Stay positive and live in the moment...I must remind myself of these, daily! 

Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me along the way! Even if you're just popping over for a quick hello, sharing my work with others, or maybe even adding a piece to hang in your home, I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

As a thank you gift, I'm offering free shipping on all my items in my ETSY SHOP through Cyber Monday! Happy shopping! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!



Busy Painting!


I just realized I haven't posted on here in a while, and thought I'd let you know what I've been 
up to. I'm practicing sunsets because they've kind of scared me until now. It's a lot harder than it looks! 
I have more work to do but I'm happy with how this turned out. I used to different photos to come up with this one. I've also been working on some commissions for Christmas time. I just completed 2 and have 2 more to do. I may also be getting 3 more! So while I'm busy with the custom work, I won't be posting as much on here. I am still going to working on a few more sunsets and continuing
my figure paintings series. This painting sold the first day I posted it! I'm so grateful to be busy!  I usually post my paintings on my Facebook page before anywhere else and would love for you to follow my page! It's J Beaudet Studios.



30 Paintings in 30 Days!

they're all sold or in private collections now

I learned quite a bit from this challenge. As usual, I skipped around in subjects, sizes, medium, just about everything. I learned that I need to focus on one thing! I was using this challenge to explore acrylics and figured out how to
achieve the look of oils! I was also able to paint a few subjects that I had never painted before, like the waterlilies.
I'll still be using oils but am happy to have another
less expensive alternative. 

Thanks for following and supporting me through this challenge! 
I can't wait for next year's:)



Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



30 in 30 Day 3

California Cow 1
6x6 inch
oil on panel

On day 4 now, and hoping to get two done to catch up! 
I have some more cow/barn, and maybe horses to do. I took a drive to Douglas City 
and got some good
reference photos to work from The weather is so nice today 
I may take my paints outside and paint. 
It's only supposed to reach 80! 

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...