Showing posts with label birch tree forest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birch tree forest. Show all posts


Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



New Fall Tree Painting and new catalog...


I thought I'd give do another birch tree painting for the DPW challenge since my last one has a bid! I'm loving the fall colors that are emerging. I think next week might be a good one for taking pictures around town and in the mountains. 
I like how this one turned out. It has such a fall feel to it and when I was painting it I was totally thinking...Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays even though I haven't done anything for years. I used to love dressing up and then there were the costume parties. So much fun! After I had my daughter, I enjoyed taking her trick or treating and sneaking her snickers she got. (shhh don't tell her) haha! Now she's in her third year of college and going to her own costume parties. I always make sure she takes a pic on her phone of her costume so I can see it.  

Here's a new catalog from a blogger friend of mine. If you love French items, antiques, jewelry, etc. you should definitely check it out. I couldn't figure out how to put the mini of it on here but here's the link

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...