Showing posts with label autumn art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn art. Show all posts


Day 3 Bougainvillea Love

The Sunny Side
8x8 inch
Blick canvas panel

This is another little painting inspired by my friend on face book's travel photos. I cropped in close on this scene and made the bougainvillea blooming a little more than it was at that time. I was drawn to this scene for the stairs, the flowers, and the sunny warmth on the stone walls. Off to paint my next one! 


30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.



Lazy Lavender Afternoon...

available here

This painting is an 8x8 oil, on gallery wrapped canvas with painted sides, so it's ready to display! I tried to warm up the colors in this one so I used orange as a mother color. 
I also used a palette knife for most of it and an angled flat no. 6 brush here and there. 
I'm trying to discipline myself to paint at least one a day. These smaller canvases are 
perfect for that but I still need to work on larger ones too.
 So...we'll see if I can keep it up. I'm starting a commissioned piece right now 
with rich beautiful colors just in time for fall. After that trees:)


A Warm Welcome Palette Knife Painting

A Warm Welcome
11 x14
oil on canvas

It's been a while since I posted a new painting, and even longer since I've painted a door! It's not that I wanted to paint and have many ideas lined up, 
but have been focusing on my paleo diet, trying to get my auto immune problems under control. I researched a lot and have read that they have a tendency to progress to other one's, and I don't want that. 
I'm feeling pretty good and have much more energy, 
so I hope it's working. 

For this painting I used a palette knife for the majority of 
it and finished it up with a sharp angled brush for some details. I love the texture you get with the knife. I also tried to keep the colors on the warm side with a few complimentary ones here and there. 
Overall though, I was going for a warm, inviting feel.

What colors do you like to use or decorate with?


A Day on the Trinity...

click here to view on Etsy

This should make the fisherman in your life happy! It's cold and snowy now but not too long ago it looked like this. It's amazing how the seasons fly by! I'm enjoying every moment with my family this special time of year. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family these coming days! 
I'm so fortunate to have so many followers of my art and this little blog. You truly bring a smile to my face with every comment! Thanks for hanging around all these years! And welcome to my new readers! 


Still Life Study in Blue

no longer available 

I did this study for the weekly challenge on daily paint works. I haven't painted anything in over a week 
so I wanted to keep this one loose and spontaneous. I think I'll have to retake the photo because it was dark when I took this shoot. Actually it was dark all day. Dark and rainy. This painting shows the mood I've been in for the last few days. I've been feeling tired and achy, maybe fighting something off.


New Fall Tree Painting and new catalog...


I thought I'd give do another birch tree painting for the DPW challenge since my last one has a bid! I'm loving the fall colors that are emerging. I think next week might be a good one for taking pictures around town and in the mountains. 
I like how this one turned out. It has such a fall feel to it and when I was painting it I was totally thinking...Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays even though I haven't done anything for years. I used to love dressing up and then there were the costume parties. So much fun! After I had my daughter, I enjoyed taking her trick or treating and sneaking her snickers she got. (shhh don't tell her) haha! Now she's in her third year of college and going to her own costume parties. I always make sure she takes a pic on her phone of her costume so I can see it.  

Here's a new catalog from a blogger friend of mine. If you love French items, antiques, jewelry, etc. you should definitely check it out. I couldn't figure out how to put the mini of it on here but here's the link

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...