Showing posts with label fine art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fine art. Show all posts


Irish Cottage Commission and Dream Travel Tour Inspiration

I wanted to share one of the commissions I've been working on. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and am very happy to say, so is the client! I'd love to paint one for you too! If you have a favorite vacation spot,honeymoon or wedding site,or even
family portrait, I'd love to work with you. You can find more information on commissioning me for a painting by clicking on the image below.

This painting has inspired me to start a travel series of paintings (when I'm done with the other commissions). 
I'm going to paint several paintings of places I that I dream about visiting someday and hope that my art will someday make it possible for me to. I'm going to start my Dream Travel Tour in.....Italy! I met a wonderful travel agent on a local networking group on Facebook. I'll announce her name with my first painting of the series. She's allowing me to find inspiration from her travel photos, and believe me she's been around the work and back! I'm like a kid in a candy store!
I'm working hard to improve my skills and developing my own signature style. I'm so happy you have all stayed with me through this journey! Thank you:)



Back on the Farm

available here

This colorful guy was inspired by some photos I took while on Kauai a few years back.
Did you know they have chickens (and roosters) running around all over the place there? I read that they escaped when they had a hurricane (I think it was in the 80's) and now they're wild. 
They seem to get along just fine on their own over there in paradise. 

I used a palette knife for the majority of this painting along with an angled flat no. 6 brush.
Thanks for looking!:)


Pink Fields of Tulips!


I love fields of colorful flowers and when I saw the photography of Steve Phelps I knew I just had to paint them! These are beautiful pink tulips in Washington. Steve has been following my
art on Facebook for a while now and about a months ago he posted one of his gorgeous photos on my
page and said that my art had inspired his work! It is really an honor to inspire another artist and I was thrilled when I asked if I could use his work as reference for a painting. Well this is what he inspired me to do! I just love the creative world of art! I've met so many really nice people.



oil on canvas

I just complete this large hydrangea painting for a client. I've never painted them before but it was fun! I love hydrangeas. They remind me of vintage gardens. My mom has one in her garden, growing in a pot. It actually looks similar to this one, but more pinks. I love all the varieties there are. 

I'm off to town for some shopping, then I'm going work on a few new paintings of trees...Jacarandas and more! 
Have a great weekend! 



This is a painting of one of my favorite places in Redondo Beach, where I grew up. It's a popular restaurant that has proven to be a popular subject as well. This painting sold in about 2 seconds after I posted it! I'm definitely going to paint more of this area.


A little bit of purple...

being revised 

This was a little different for me because of the odd size of canvas. It's 18x36 inches so it's pretty long. It's hard to see the details here so I've added some close ups on my Etsy listing here. I used a palette knife for most of it and a brush to fill in small areas and soften a few things. The grass in the foreground is showing up the wrong color. It's a little more yellow green instead of that brown color. This one is definitely for a purple lover! 




I just finished this painting for the weekly challenge on DPW. Carol Marine supplied this wonderful photograph which has inspired me to do some more like this. I found out that my mom has a wash bowl and pitcher very similar to this one. I'm going to have my mom and my daughter pose for me. My daughter is coming home on Spring break soon so hopefully I can get her to do that for me. 

I'm working on a large 18x36 canvas right now and it's coming along ok. I'm not use to this large so I have to remind myself that it takes time to finish something of this size. It's lavender fields, which I love. 

Have a great week!



Spring Botanical

This just says Spring to me! I traveled down the mountain the other day and on my way back up, noticed a tree starting to blossom!
 I was so happy to see that and since then we've been enjoying beautiful weather and walks on the trails just about everyday. 
My puppy dog is sure happy too! 


Field of Poppies...

I like the close up

on Etsy here


oil on canvas panel

So these are my new abstracts. I've been wanting to venture in to the abstract world for a while now and have finally done just that. I'm hooked! I imagine the more I do, I will develop more of a signature style, but I'm just having fun completely freeing myself to discover new things. It's not as easy as thought it would be though. I had to completely paint over a few. I find it more challenging than
painting any real subject. It is so therapeutic though and I can't really put it into words. I reminded of my days in art class. So much inspiration and energy there!
If you have tried abstract painting yet, you definitely should! You just might like it!

I was planning on putting a piece in the local art cruise for this weekend but the paint is taking longer to try because of the weather. The theme was Absolutely Abstract. 
So I won't have any new pieces this month but you can still see two of my 
paintings in the Highland Art Center if you're in town!

I'm also having a very difficult time capturing the fresh colors of my paintings on "film". It's like this every winter and I have yet to splurge on some good lighting. I use the sun because it's free, but not always reliable! I just had one of my collector's inform me of how much better my paintings look in person. She went on about how absolutely beautiful it was when she received it. I really wish you could see them in person, but until then I need to work on getting a better representation of them online.

I have another piece I just completed of some more poppies! I'm thinking of Spring and they're so sunny! It's a smaller 8x8 impressionist style. I'll be taking some good photos
 of it tomorrow and posting soon!

If you're interested in purchasing any of these that aren't on Etsy 
you can contact me on my email or Facebook


Roses are Red...


Here's my latest of the Bloom series, done with a pallet knife. I have a few more to post but am not quite ready for whatever reason. I promise to get to them though. My next one I'm working on is a little different. Kind of abstract with mixed media. 
I just found out that I'm going to Mexico soon. I'm going to be painting a commissioned piece while I'm there so it should be fun. I'll have to post photos when I get back.


Looking for Spring Blooms...


I can't wait for Spring so painted these to help. I used a palette knife for this one and realized I really like the texture and depth and that loose feeling I'm after. I'm working on a floral series all done with a knife. They are different sizes but all of beautiful flowers. Did I ever tell you I was a floral designer for a while? I love flowers! I only wish I could grow them! I'll never give up trying. 

If you've been following me through the years you know my daughter is away at college and that it was a very difficult time for me getting used to her not being around. I go through a mini empty nest every time she comes home for break then leaves again. Now she has a boyfriend and is even further away from me and so so busy. I know she's grown now but I still think of her as my little girl. 

This series I'm working on is a reflection of what I'm going through and I will call it Bloom, referring to my daughter blooming into the beautiful girl she has become and of her mother 
blooming into her new life. I'm still struggling with the later, trying to define what exactly that is, but I'm moving in the right direction. 


An early Christmas gift!

a gift to you

Hi to all my blogland friends! I would like to give you this Christmas card as a gift for your loyalty and support! You mean so much to me and have touched my life in so many ways. This is my way of saying thank you! So please feel free to download this image for your own use (no mass producing as the image still belongs to J Beaudet Studios) You can make cards to send to your friends or just enjoy it in your own home:) If you do accept it please help spread the word about my work! Please post this on your blog if you have one and mention following my blog. Sharing it is so appreciated just as long as you give a link back and mention me:) I would be forever grateful! 

Happy Holidays!


Still Life Study in Blue

no longer available 

I did this study for the weekly challenge on daily paint works. I haven't painted anything in over a week 
so I wanted to keep this one loose and spontaneous. I think I'll have to retake the photo because it was dark when I took this shoot. Actually it was dark all day. Dark and rainy. This painting shows the mood I've been in for the last few days. I've been feeling tired and achy, maybe fighting something off.


Lovely Etsy Shop!


It's been a while since I've posted about other products that I love. I've been so busy concentrating on 
painting that I've been neglecting my beautiful blog. I'd like to highlight a wonderful shop on Etsy that I've recently purchased from. So I can tell you first hand of the quality and beauty of the items in ShopPretties. I even love the name. The owner of this lovely shop is Deb Lonergan. 
She is so gracious and her customer service is top notch. My package came wrapped in a pretty bow ready to give to my mother for her 70th birthday!

love this one!

This is the one I gave my mom!

with these to match!

My mom is very high fashion, always has been. She has great taste and knows what she likes. She's kind of a jewelry snob. Boy does she ever love her latest additions and even got her nails done to match! She also just purchased a new Judith Ripka piece to go with her new set. Now it's complete! We had a surprise party for her and was she ever surprised! It was great! Her friends from across the country came, as did all her family members! It was so touching to see her crying for joy! We had a wonderful dinner catered at a local Bed and Breakfast called The Whitmore Inn. It's a victorian home all decorated in that era. It was a wonderful way to celebrate. Her husband had planned everything...he's so special. 


New Vintage Lady Painting


It's been awhile since I've painted a vintage lady. This piece was done for last weeks challenge on DPW, "paint your undies".  This was fun to do. I'm going to have to retake the photo though because some of the details got a little washed out, such as the table. 

Thanks for your visit and your comments!


A Day at the Beach take 2...

has been revised

A Day at the Beach
by Jennifer Beaudet
Oil on Canvas
24x30 inch

I retook this painting today with outside lighting...much better.
This is a larger painting of the small study I did a few weeks ago. 
This is how I like to spend my days. How about you? Have a wonderful day!


Figure in Red Dress

Available here

I just finished this oil painting of a somewhat abstract figure in a red dress. Any suggestions for a name?
I think it's going to be called "The Moment". Thank you for the suggestion Terra! 
I'm so inspired to paint more like this and the other vintage dress painting I recently did.

I just got the Zumba fitness program and am starting it with my mom. I need to loose 20 pounds by October. We'll see if it works! I'm excited to start seeing and feeling the results! 

Welcome to all my new followers and visitors! I'm so happy to have you stop by:)
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Inspiration Friday Graphic_thumb[3]

New Figure Painting...

Painting by Jen Beaudet Zondervan born 1970 California 
This is my latest impressionist oil painting. For now it;s going to be titled something like Girl Sitting. Any suggestions are welcome! I'll have it listed on Etsy later this afternoon but was hoping to get a little feedback before I did. Your comments are always appreciated! 

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...