
Impressionist Irises Watercolor

Available here

Trying to Keep Up with the Daily Painting

This is one from Day 17…I have one in front of me that I haven't posted yet. I'm trying to keep up with the commissions, varnishing paintings, and packing paintings. That's not counting all the other things that go into this business. I need another me right now! I'm enjoying being busy though. 

I'll be going with my mom for her pre-op, early next week and was hoping to get caught up if not ahead of the daily paintings, but not sure that's going to happen. Things look good for her! She's probably at stage 1 maybe 2 with a 50-75% chance she won't need anymore treatment after the surgery! Very hopeful! 

I was happily surprised this one sold in seconds after posting it on Facebook! Are we friends on Facebook? Here's where you can find  My FaceBook Page or you can follow my Fan page! I'd love to see you there!:) 



Day 14-17 Watercolor sketches

I'm having fun with some watercolors and quick sketches. (The color is off here on all of them so I haven't listed them yet. The paper is white) Honestly, I'm having a hard time keeping up
with the daily painting and the commissions I already have. There's not enough time in the day! …I am still having fun and have many more in mind!:) 



Day 13 A Little French Village

available here

This painting was another one from my Facebook friend Mary. She's been everywhere! 
(blogger makes the images a little brighter and more saturated than the real life image) 



Playing Catch up!

6x6 inch

I decided to use my daughter as model again. She posed for me in my mom's hats, out on her deck. 


NEW Website!

Modern Impressionist Field of Flowers

  Available here New art available on my website! I love flowers and I'm not sure what these would be but I hope you enjoy it! This was ...