
Looks familiar just smaller!

Peonies in the Summer
oil on canvas board


Kellie Collis said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous pinkS! Have a gorgeous weekend! x

Erika said...


koralee said...

Everytime I come to visit you I am amazed at the beauty waiting for me...this is stunning! I love your work..and your colours....you make me so so happy. Have a great day sweet one. xoxo

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you all for such nice comments! My next one I'm working on is a beach scene with a vintage lady!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Jennifer,
Beautiful painings, full of summer. ..... and, the houswork can wait until another day ! XXXX

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you Jaqcueline! And the housework is going to have to wait! :)

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