
Pink Roses and Peach...


Here's my latest palette knife floral painting. It's been a while since I've done one of these. I love these colors! It's filled with pink roses and hydrangeas in peaches and creams.
I always take shots of my paintings as I work on them.
It really helps me see how they're working. I can get a sense of
how the composition is working and can see if something need more or less
emphasis. I don't ever post these because they're just for my reference
but today I'm sharing them with you because it's one of the 30 day challenges
by Leslie Saeta.

I usually tone my canvas with a warm color first but sometimes I just can't wait to start!
In this photo you can almost see the pencil marks where I roughed in my drawing.
I don't get very detailed in that stage. I also like to work all around the painting
not concentrating on any certain area. This helps me with color harmony and balance.

Just filling in more color and a little unsure how it's going at this point. The flower in the upper
right just didn't want to emerge yet.

It almost finished in this one, just needs a few details and a signature!

and it's finished!

I want to invite you to my Facebook page, J Beaudet Studios if you haven't seen it yet. I've been posting my paintings there first, before anywhere else. I also haven't painted lilacs in a few years and there blooming now! I've done a few of lilacs and lemons. I love the combo of the purples and yellows. Have a great weekend!:)


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Happy Mothers Day Jennifer
Thanks for the kind birthday wish next year we can celebrate on the same day

And thanks for sharing your beautiful roses

Ciao ciao xxx Julie

Jen Beaudet said...

Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by:) And Happy Birthday again!:)

NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...