
Day 22 Floral Painting

8x10 oil on canvas paper

So back to flowers, exploring colors and simplifying shapes. I'm still so mixed up as to which I like more. I love the peaceful and calming feeling of this but my palette knife art is full of interesting textures and I love the way the paint mixes together. They are totally complete opposites! ugh! I guess there could be worse things in the world to fret over but this is really bugging me. For now I'll be doing both...maybe I should sign them in a different name! Like my alter ego! haha


Sheila said...

I like them both! Hey, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't! I love the greens throughout here! LOVE! Love the purpley grays and the 300 shades of pink. Especially the deep dark bloom out in front :)

Susan said...

Jennifer, I cannot believe how you do those paintings in such rapid succession. And they are all wonderful! You are SO TALENTED. Susan

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