8x10 oil on canvas paper
I'm still painting every day but missed posting on here over the weekend! This is Day 24 and I'm continuing to simplify shapes. This is the first landscape that I've attempted that on. I'm using dabs of paint instead of broad strokes. I may mix it up though, this is just exploring and practicing. It's challenging to try and see things in simplified forms and not wanting to put in more details. But I'm interested in light and color right now and also like the smoother feel. This may be a phase, I don't know. Just something I want to explore and I'm seeing things in a whole new way!
My reference photo and inspiration for this piece came from Ann Tran. I love the photos she posts on facebook and instagram. She travels all over the world but I think this one came from a walk in her DC neighborhood.
So Day 23 is post on my instagram account @
jbeaudet_art. I only spent about 5-10 minutes on a few peonies but it's cute. I spent most of the day preparing files for a video that Lee from Arts,Artists, and Artworks prepared and posted for me! It turned out so nice!