
Making Some Changes Around Here in America - Part 1

oil painting of purple irises by Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan
Irises in the Garden
11x14 inch
available on Etsy

 Change is a good thing, right? I think so. Recently, I experienced a life changing trip which changed my perspective on my whole views of life, and consequently, my art. Until now, at age 52, I had never been to Europe. I traveled to Mexico several times and always enjoyed the culture but visiting Europe was something different. It's hard for me to come up with the words to express how I felt.

As we arrived in Copenhagen, I knew I was in a different world. People were different. They were so happy and down to earth. They just had a comfortable way about them. Not trying to show off or compete with anyone. We were only there to catch another flight but it would be nice to go back and spend more time there. We took a flight to Amsterdam, and flying above the iconic architecture brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't believe I was actually there. The whole trip was a dream. We stayed in Haarlem, which is a short train ride to Amsterdam. Haarlem was an adorable town. Very walkable, rich with history, shopping, and great food. Amsterdam was a whirlwind day but very memorable. We walked 12 miles but it didn't feel like it. It really felt like Disneyland but real, and it was just as crowded. My husband is from there, so for him it was more crowded than ever before. I didn't know any other than the way it was. The bikes were crazy! Red-light district was odd. The bridges and canals were wondrous. Flowers everywhere! 

Then on to Brugge. What a treat! It's an old medieval town with castles, churches, buildings from the beginning of time! It was like I was in a storybook complete with swans in the streams. This whole trip was an artist's dream come true! I could live in any of the places we went...although, being a native from Redondo Beach, it might be a little too cold for me. Have you been to Europe? I'd love to hear your experience.

This painting is just one of my newly inspired pieces. I hope you like it! 


Hard to Keep Up 30 Day Painting Challenge Vintage Ladies

 It's hard to keep up posting all the time, especially when I'm trying to do a 30 day painting challenge!

Jen Beaudet Art 30 day painting challenge 2016

This 30 day challenge was one I did in 2016. Leslie Saeta hosted it on her blog. Those were fun, challenging, and always inspired new work. I decided to start one this month at the last minute. It's hosted by 
Sheila Delgado, called 30 Day-Creative Challenge.
I started out with some vintage women, inspired by costume designer Natalia Zinkevyc. I found her on Etsy and contact her for permission to use her photos as inspiration. If you would like to, I would suggest asking and please don't copy mine. So far, day 6...I've stuck with the figures but I'm going to be adding flowers soon. I just can't help it! I also just received a commission to "repaint" another floral from the above. It will be a bit of challenge since it was so long ago. I change paints and brushes so often and I think that has something to do with how my work looks. 

Here's a few I've done so far. They are sketches (not complete and not intended to sell, although I may if someone wants them) 

Day one of the 30 day painting challenge Jen Beaudet Zondervan

day 2 30 day challenge 2023 Jen Beaudet Z

day 3 of 30 day challenge 2023 Jen Beaudet Z


day 4 of 30 day challenge 2023 Jen Beaudet Z

day 4 of 30 day challenge 2023 Jen Beaudet Z reference photo Natalia Z

working on day 6 now. I'm posting them on my instagram @jenbeaudet_z 
 follow me on there if you want to see it first. I'm a little behind with my blog. 


10 Places to find reference photos for portraits and figures

woman with blonde and red hat in striped shirt and white skirt painting done with a palette knife by Jennifer Beaudet-Zondervan
This painting came from a blogger that I contacted and asked for permission

 A question I'm asked, and sometimes I'm the one asking...Where can you find good reference photos for paintings of figures and portraits? I've searched and taken notes and came up with this list, which I'm sure is not complete. One thing needs to be said, the best photos are your own, but sometimes that's not enough. 

1. DeviantArt There are some restrictions so read carefully for use. 

2. I like AdorkaStock (formerly known as SenshiStock)

3. You can also contact a photographer who may grant you permission to use their photo for a painting. I've done this several times, but I'd rather use my own. 

4. Facebook groups where other artists share their photos. 

5. Paint My Photo

6. Unsplash

7. Museum by Sktchy - an app for iPhone users. I haven't used it yet but it looks good.

8. Sketch Daily References  - Great for loosening up with quick poses

9. Croquis Cafe on YouTube 

10. Proko 

There are some restrictions so read carefully for use. 

Young woman in red dress holding a rose with lace on the table
This painting came from a photo of my daughter

woman in green dress with a straw had with flowers
The reference photo for this pose cam from SenshiStock. I added everything but the pose 

Like I mentioned, ideally it's best to use your own photos so you don't see another artist that used the same reference photo. That has happened to me at least three times now. Two of them are well known artists. All of the artists painted them years after mine, I'm sure without knowledge that mine existed. The problem now is that someone might think I copied the other artists because I'm not as well known. So in order for that to not happen to me again I'm being careful to find unique poses and use my own. 

Even better yet, the results from painting from a life model can't be matched. I did this in college for 2 semesters and there's no substitute. I also did quick gestures from a life model in my sculpting class, which was actually my favorite class I've had. Those were fun times and so invaluable in my art career. If you can take a Life Drawing class it's totally worth it. My professor, Fagan, was so awesome, I could have listened to him talk about art all day. Unfortunately, I'm not in school now. Maybe I'll look for something nearby.

So, I hope you enjoy this list I compiled. Leave a comment if you have more to add or anything else. I created this (took me all day!) so I could go back to it, but share it if you'd like! When I can figure out how to host a blog party, I would love to see you drawings! 

PS You may have noticed my blog looks "old school". I thought I needed to go back to the beginning so I could figure out the techie things. 
Until next time, Happy Painting


Merry Christmas! I'm still here...Jen Beaudet...Z

 Hi! It's Jen Beaudet aka Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan, J Beaudet, Jennifer Beaudet, Jennifer Lynn Beaudet, Jennifer Lynn Rutkoskie, J Beaudet Studios. Welcome to my new followers! 

My instagram is @JBeaudet_art  (I don't have many followers, so if you'd like to follow me I'd be so grateful!)

flower painting with muted colors by Jen Beaudet

I've had a few names over the years but I'm still Jen...just Jen. If my name saga sounds old to you, imagine what it's like for me! It continues to pop up as a problem. Who knew another oil painter with the same exact name as me, would start showing up in 2018, after I had been selling on here for 10 years. I actually changed my name legally, to be different now. It doesn't seem to help. People get confused. I hope you know I've been painting and sharing my work since 2008 or even earlier if you count eBay. But, I started my Etsy shop JBeaudetStudios in 2009. If I sound like a broken record, it's just because I have painted a lot, and done so many commissions for you all, my name has been shared with my work around the world, all over the place and I just want you to know it's me...not the other person. 

New Floral Abstract

Ok, so if you're still with me, and not rolling your eyes...I have been up to some exciting things! I'm working as a full time artist again! And guess what? I'm selling more work than before. That's how it works. The more time and commitment the better the results. 

If you've been following me over the years, you may know I had some rocky roads. There was a time I was homeless, and thankfully my brother and friends, took me in. I had to make my way back into the world after being crushed by someone I trusted, and it took some time to heal. I can't say I've done it alone. I've had so much support from everyone. And...I must have done something nice to someone somewhere, because I was given a great gift to meet my loving, adorable husband. He is my greatest fan (maybe even more than my mom...). I'm so lucky! I'm proud to take his Dutch name, Zondervan. Soon, we will be traveling to his home in Holland! I can't wait! It's a dream come true! 

In the art world, I've been creating a new series of abstract florals, meeting new artists in town, showing my work in San Clemente, working on some art licensing deals, and more! 

Below is one of my first vintage woman paintings I did when I first started sharing my work. I think it was 2009. Julie from Being Ruby made my blog so beautiful and this was one of buttons. I have to say, I've messed up my blog since then...hoping to get it fixed but at least it's still here.

Next, is my latest floral abstract painting. I love this one! The colors are so dreamy! Speaking of dreams, this is how it came about. I actually had a dream of this painting. It was weird but I love how it came to life! Hopefully, another one will come to me tonight. 

abstract flower painting acrylic with embellishing
Available on Etsy here...

I'm working on a wedding commission now but look for more florals soon! 

I've done several wedding commissions over the years and love doing them! I am a little obsessed with weddings so it's a perfect match. I have one client who has commissioned about 10 for different couples. 
She knows some pretty well known people so my paintings hang in some pretty awesome homes! 
I wish I could tell you who, but I only know one. I do other commissions too. Many of places you've visited like this one below! I love the opportunity to paint a beautiful memory to be cherished forever. 

italy painting commission. paint your photo
Commission Me

If you'd like one for yourself, or to give as a wedding gift you can contact me on my etsy Jbeaudetstudios ,
Thank you so much for all your support over the years! 


Hydrangea in pot loose painting


Available here 

I’m excited to share this new one with you all! It’s a 20x20 oil.
Sometimes things done come out how I want them to. That’s how life can be….however,  this wasn’t one of those days! I am so happy with this new oil painting and painting it was effortless. It was just me and my brush having fun. 

I’ve been working on staying focused this year and I think it’s starting to show. 


New Birthday Bouquet Pink Roses

 New Birthday Bouquet Pink Roses

pink rose impressionist painting

Hi! I hope your day is going good. I just had the best birthday weekend celebration and wanted to share my little painting I did. My manager at work gave me these pink roses! They're from Trader Joe's of course. I might retake the photo when it's dry. Anyway, my husband and I have bday's 2 days apart, so it's a funfilled week (actually I celebrate the whole month!) We started off with a Kool and the Gang concert at the OC Fair! They were so awesome! Then we saw Saturday Night Fever play in Laguna and Nick's for dinner! That was my first time at Nick's and it won't be the last. The Chilean Sea Bass was so yummy!
Then yesterday we got together with the family, at Cocina Enoteca in Irvine, and had a wonderful meal with great people! I have an extra day off today but I think I better come back down to reality before going back to work tomorrow. 

I'm thrilled to say I sold this one yesterday! Yay! I had a plan to have a show at a craft fair so I've been accumulating lots of art. I'm not sure I'm going to now so it's time to start getting rid of the old to make room for some new! 

girl in red dress with white lace painting

I took it down because I was going to change it and someone contacted me asking if I offered prints. So she bought the original! 

I'm currently planning some larger paintings (in my head...I don't even have them on paper yet!) 


It's Been Awhile...but I'm still painting!

 New Koi Fish with Pink Flowers

koi fish oil painting
Available on Etsy

I will come up with a better name...it just takes time. This is one of my latest paintings. I've been painting much more but haven't had the time to get them all posted for sale. I hope you're enjoying your summer! This is my favorite time of year because it's July is my birthday month! I love everything about summer and this painting feels like summer to me. Hmmm...I think I came up with a series.

So many ideas and so little time. It's hard to find time for everything. Don't you think? One of the best things about being passionate about something is that you're never bored.

Anyway, I hope this quick post puts a smile on your face.


New Painted Lady in Blue! Paper mounted on board

original painting of woman in blue dress holding bright red flowers She is looking away from the viewer

 I haven't painted a figure in a while and was inspired by some exciting news! I don't know if I can share it yet, but it's about my daughter...This painting is from the news. I'm using acrylics on paper with layers of interesting marks. It's fun to explore new tools. I've recently been trying to transition all of my oil paints to water miscible because of the fumes and mess. They seem a little more expensive but I think it's worth it.

So, I painted this on paper using acrylics then mounted it onto a cradled hard wood. Here's a few pictures of how I did it. I watched a few YouTube videos before attempting it.

It started on a pad of mixed media paper...I had the edges taped so they would curl. I wasn't planning on this being a final painting otherwise I would probably have taped it onto another board the way watercolor paintings are done. This was just me having fun with paint. The color in this photo is more true to the original piece. I should retake the first one.

I brushed gel medium on the back of the artwork and on the top of the cradled board. You'll need to work quickly before it starts to dry. It can be repositioned a little after you put it down. 
I bought a brayer to roll over it. This gets any air bubbles out and presses the paper down firmly. 

I then placed a sheet of plastic wrap over it, then put a piece of scrap cardboard on top. (the video called for regular plastic but I didn't have any on hand. Plastic wrap is not the best to use because it clings to everything. It worked this time but I'll get some other plastic for next time) 

After that I placed a few paint cans to weigh it down, but you can really use anything heavy. Let it sit for 24 hours and then lightly sand the edges to make it flush. Seal again with the gel medium, varnish, or you could try cold wax. That's the next one I'm gong to try. 

On a side note...I noticed my blog photos are missing. It looks like I just started posting a few months ago. I'm not sure what happened. Google is changing things again. If you've noticed this on your blog please leave a comment about it. I'm not sure my followers are even seeing my blog. 

*update! I did it again...this painting has been reworked and it now longer available. The new one will be posted soon!  

Here's the new version! 

woman in blue dress painting by Jennifer beaudet- Zondervan

I revised it again...

Lady in blue dress painting with her back turned away
Available on etsy



How to prevent this from happening...

Sunflower oil painting by Jennifer Beaudet impressionist painter from California
Sunflower 11x14 SOLD

Hi all! I know all my blogs, websites, different names, have been a little confusing lately. I like to try different platforms to see what works best. I started doing this from the beginning, back in 2009. I created this blog, BeaudetArt, "My Life as a Starving Artist", which is now just Jen Beaudet Art. aka Jennifer Beaudet Artist and J Beaudet Studio (yes, I know...stay consistent, right?). My birth name is Jennifer Lynn Rutkoskie but I married a Beaudet, in 1993. I kept the name because I liked it, and it was my daughter's name. Now, I'm married to a Dutch man and took his name, Zondervan but I'm still artist Jen Beaudet Who's Passion Kept Her Going, just trying to sign a Z at the end of my new paintings. I may change that...

impressionist flower oil painting by Jennifer Beaudet of California
Impressionist Floral by Jennifer Beaudet SOLD

I also have a blog on Wordpress, "J Beaudet Studio" I never use that much but did create a website on Wordpress in 2015 which I failed to renew because I was going through a difficult time. That was Jen Beaudet Art. It was briefly taken over by a Swedish shoe company (this sounds like a comedy, doesn't it?), then strangely switched back to my profile picture, a few of my paintings, and some other images which weren't mine. I had no control over it and finally it's been taken down...for now. The stranger thing was it had contact information to the other Jen Lynn Beaudet from DC/Maryland. She is a relatively new artist (as far as I know she started sharing her work in 2018, and also oil paints a little similar to mine) She's not me and I'm not her. I'm sorry for the confusion. I have asked if she'd use another name but she won't. I don't blame her. It's just a weird situation that I believe has hurt my career but I keep going! Not giving up.

birch tree forest oil painting by Jennifer Beaudet
Birch Forest Aglow by Jennifer Beaudet from California 

So if you have any ideas of how to PREVENT this from happening to someone else, please feel free to comment here. I don't know what I could have done differently. And if this or something similar has happened to you I'd love to hear about it! I doubt anyone has had someone come along with the exact same name...even the middle name. And then they start using their middle name, which just makes it worse. We are different though, I'm left handed and a little older. My daughter is now 29 and I only have one! I've also been selling and sharing my art since 2009, and honestly, we do paint different. I feel I a little messier and expressive, with a bold use of color...but she is really good and blows me away how far she's come. So, if you read about this before sorry to talk about it again but many of you may not know. I was looking back on my viewers of this blog and I used to have 500 readers on my posts. Where did you go? Was it because of this name thing? I hope not.

And back to my blogs...my third blog...is on my new website JBeaudetStudios.com. This is where I post new available paintings and have a Newsletter which I'd love for you to sign up on! 

I sell through my Etsy shop JBeaudetStudios,  Jen Beaudet on Saatchi, Artsartistartwork.com, and Daily Paintworks as Jen Beaudet, and prints on Fine art America  since 2010.

Jennifer Beaudet art

sunset oil painting of Florida road by Jen Beaudet of Laguna California
Available here


The Giveaway of an Original Painting is on!


The GiveAway on JBeaudetStudios.com is happening right now! Your choice! To see the three to choose from just sign up for my Newsletter! That's it, you're entered! Come back here and comment to let me know which one you like.

Good luck! 


I'm Giving Away an Original Painting! (not yet)

New Commission of Peonies Delight by Jen Beaudet Zondervan
This is not the giveaway painting...but a commission I just finished! Click to get details for your own!

 Hi guys! I want to thank my loyal followers, who have been with me through all these years. As I think back on those years, there have been some really exciting moments like my solo show in Santa Barbara, my 3 paintings in Kincaid's, and being Trinity County's "unofficial" ARTIST of THE YEAR! Getting on ETSY's front-page, when I won the 15 Minute Conversation with Lori McNee, calendars and magazine covers, and every time someone purchases on of my paintings and prints. 

I started this blog (back then called "My Life As A Starving Artist" in 2009. I wanted to be a part of the Daily Painters Group and one of the requirements was you needed a blog to apply. I set up my blog and when I felt ready I applied. I wan't accepted, but that didn't stop me from painting daily and posting it. Something awesome happened! My blog was seen by some pretty big blogs and commented on by some major ones. Many blogs hosted giveaways of one of my prints. It was such a fun time and I started selling a lot! I've met so many interesting people a long the way and have had so much good feedback from influential artists and collectors. But it's each and everyone of you that touch my heart and keep me going. It's a funny thing how people you have never met can motivate me to create more! 

Here's a list of the blogs that posted about my art- blogs aren't as popular anymore so some of them aren't active. 


Tish Jett
















"So About What I Said" Melissa Blake 


Found Somewhere in Time

Foltbolt http://www.foltbolt.com/#!Jennifer-Beaudet/cy7d/56c59b340cf25df9371db96f

A lot has happened in my life over all these years, some not so good, but some really great things! My daughter is now a Nurse Practitioner with a masters in Nursing, working as a Psych NP! I'm so beyond proud of her! I moved to San Clemente, California from Northern California, so I'm back to my home at the beach! AND I got married to an amazing man! He's so supportive of my art and my biggest fan (it's a tie between my mom) My mom is in remission from stage 4 breast cancer and doing awesome!! We all live down here in Southern California and see each other whenever possible. Im' not able to paint as much recently because I work as a hairstylist. I started doing that after moving down to Ventura in 2016, It's been challenging but I do love it. I'm still painting on my days off and hoping to increase my painting days soon! I just finished 3 commissions in a row and am ready for the next! 

If you'r still reading this, I better tell you about the GIVEAWAY coming up! I'm going to have 3 original paintings to choose from, but only one winner. I'm announcing it on my Newsletter so make sure you have signed up to receive it! https://www.jbeaudetstudios.com/email-newsletter

Thank you for all your encouragement and support! 

NEW Website!

Facebook Sucks

 Facebook sucks. I know you already knew. Some evil person (I have a hard time calling them a person). Some evil being is stealing my art, m...