
Day 13 and 14!



I'm getting caught up!
 I'm still working with acrylics and am just exploring the colors 
and how the paint 
works so these are just studies. 
The abstract was done partly with a palette and they're both on paper. 
Well, I had a bad thing happen today, 
or at least I just found out about it. Quite a few Chinese websites stole my work
 without my permission and looks like they're trying to sell it. I can't read what it says though
 and at least they're nice enough to put my name on it! 
Apparently, there's nothing that can be done about it
 but it's another good reason not to buy anything made form China, which seems to be almost everything. Imagine how many jobs we would have here! 



Day 12 of the Challenge- Transitioning From Oils to Acrylics


I'm experimenting with acrylics, so I did this really quick "sketch".  I was trying to go so fast so the paint wouldn't dry! I'm so used to oil's slow drying time and my colors. I know exactly what color to mix with another to get what I'm after, when using oils. I have a limited number of acrylics so had to make due. The one thing I did discover is that I can almost achieve the same feel as oils, which is what I'm after. I'm going to try some more tomorrow and maybe actually spend some time at it. In some research, I found that you need to use some kind of medium with acrylics to give it some body and using it doesn't effect the intensity of the color but rather extends your paints! That's a good thing! So I'll need to purchase some gel medium and some good quality acrylics in my basic palette I'm already using with oils. 

I was actually in bed half the day, feeling wiped out, but managed to get this day's painting done! So it ended up being a good day after all and now I'm eager to continue my transition to acrylics.

It's funny how sometimes you need a change; life is just like that. Fall is a good time for change...



Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



Day 10 of 30 in 30 Challenge


Day 10 (I know...it's the 13th, not the10th) and I'm not finished! I'm having a hard time with this challenge, but I'm not going to give up. I'll finish this one tomorrow morning then start on a new one or two! I also need to buy some canvas and am thinking of using just one size for the rest of this challenge so I can have some uniformity to all of them when I'm finished. I've been skipping around with what I have on hand, but the "second half" will be all one size. 6x6 inch panels are the popular size, but I like 8x10's  and 8x8's with a little more surface to paint. I may not be cut out for daily painting. We'll see after I finish this month.



30 Day Challenge Number 9

I've done this one before but decided to repaint it and soften the transitions of the clouds. I also moved some palm trees around and gave them more movement. 



Day 8 of the 30 in 30 Challenge and Another Abstract

oil on gallery wrapped 1 1/2 inch sides

Having fun with different abstracts while doing this challenge.



Day 7 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

After two days with no painting, I'm back at it! I plan on catching up so I'll end up with 30 at the end of 30 days. Maybe tomorrow! I needed to drive to the city for a Trader Joe's run and get a painting framed for a show coming up. I ended up framing it myself due to time and found out it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. So, I found a way to save about $10- $15! 

This painting is very similar to one I did about a year ago but this time it's a square and is unique in its own way. It's a scene from a nearby town. 

I'm hoping to get to some figure paintings tomorrow! I haven't done one of those for months and need to get back into that. They seem to be my most popular and I enjoy painting them:)



Day 6

I will post the info for this one tomorrow. I just wanted to keep up (even though I'm still a day behind)!
I like this one too. Maybe all this painting has been worth it. I'll get back to that when it's been a month!


Day 5 and Poppies!

8x8 inch

Here's my painting for day 5 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge. I've almost made it through one week! This painting makes me happy, I hope it does the same for you:)

Have a great weekend!
...I'll be painting. What do you have planned?


Day 4 of the 30 in 30 Challenge with a Little Abstract

I haven't done many abstracts so it's a little difficult to show them to you, but since I'm trying to 
keep up with this challenge I thought I'd just do it! The color is a little fresher in person. This is a little grayed, so I may take the photo again but it's pretty close. Abstracts are so personal; I may or may not put this one on Etsy...


30 in 30 Day 3

California Cow 1
6x6 inch
oil on panel

On day 4 now, and hoping to get two done to catch up! 
I have some more cow/barn, and maybe horses to do. I took a drive to Douglas City 
and got some good
reference photos to work from The weather is so nice today 
I may take my paints outside and paint. 
It's only supposed to reach 80! 


30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.



30 in 30 Day One


I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge and already a day behind! But I guess I'll just finish on the 31st. I should end up with a lot of different paintings! I plan on doing some fall trees soon so stay tuned!:) This painting is from a photo I took in Davis, California. My daughter is going to school there so I've been able to spend lots of time there. It's an absolutely adorable town with just enough things going on to keep you busy. I think it's perfect, besides being a little expensive.


Red Shoes for Lily

This painting is for a little 5 year old girl who after winning her battle with leukemia found out she needed a new heart. The proceeds are being donated to her fund to get a new heart. I grew up in the same neighborhood as her father although he probably doesn't remember me. Some friends of mine on Facebook started posting about this page Red Shoes For Lily and it inspired me to paint this picture of her little red slippers. This is the profile pic for her page you can find here. Please take the time to visit her page and like it. Maybe even post your own red shoes in support!:) 

Any fellow artists out there who would like to paint a pair of red shoes and donate the proceeds to her cause feel free! I tried to set up something up on DPW but because there are so many people in need they like to keep the charity they do more generalized. I understand that. If you choose to join in let me know so I can help promote your painting too and share it with Lily's family! :)

Thanks for your help



I'm a Featured Artist!

I woke up this morning to the news that I was chosen as the featured artist on
Artpromotivate! It's such an honor and I'm so excited! It's funny...just when you need it something
amazing happens! Little things like this keep me going. Thank you all for supporting me
on here through the years. This of you who have been with me from the beginning...I truly appreciate it! And I love when I get new followers too! I hope that I can at least inspire someone else to never give up on their dreams! I know I won't!


Peonies Bliss


Here's my latest daily painting. Or, I should say...almost daily painting. I really don't know how
the other daily painters do it. I'm trying to get to the gym, make dinner, work on 
business tasks, and complete a presentable painting a day. I could probably whip out something
fast, but it seems the more I learn the longer I spend on a painting. I wonder if other artists
experience the same thing. Maybe I just like the process.


Lazy Lavender Afternoon...

available here

This painting is an 8x8 oil, on gallery wrapped canvas with painted sides, so it's ready to display! I tried to warm up the colors in this one so I used orange as a mother color. 
I also used a palette knife for most of it and an angled flat no. 6 brush here and there. 
I'm trying to discipline myself to paint at least one a day. These smaller canvases are 
perfect for that but I still need to work on larger ones too.
 So...we'll see if I can keep it up. I'm starting a commissioned piece right now 
with rich beautiful colors just in time for fall. After that trees:)


Back on the Farm

available here

This colorful guy was inspired by some photos I took while on Kauai a few years back.
Did you know they have chickens (and roosters) running around all over the place there? I read that they escaped when they had a hurricane (I think it was in the 80's) and now they're wild. 
They seem to get along just fine on their own over there in paradise. 

I used a palette knife for the majority of this painting along with an angled flat no. 6 brush.
Thanks for looking!:)


A Warm Welcome Palette Knife Painting

A Warm Welcome
11 x14
oil on canvas

It's been a while since I posted a new painting, and even longer since I've painted a door! It's not that I wanted to paint and have many ideas lined up, 
but have been focusing on my paleo diet, trying to get my auto immune problems under control. I researched a lot and have read that they have a tendency to progress to other one's, and I don't want that. 
I'm feeling pretty good and have much more energy, 
so I hope it's working. 

For this painting I used a palette knife for the majority of 
it and finished it up with a sharp angled brush for some details. I love the texture you get with the knife. I also tried to keep the colors on the warm side with a few complimentary ones here and there. 
Overall though, I was going for a warm, inviting feel.

What colors do you like to use or decorate with?


Studio News


 I'm offering 
new giclee prints in my shop now. The quality is amazing and can also be printed on canvas if you'd like. Here's the link for ordering a variety of my prints on many different substrate. So please don't miss
my Studio Sale ending on the 21st of July...only a few days left! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm just going to try and stay cool and get through my coffee detox! I'm on the Paleo diet now for my autoimmune problems of been having these last 2 years. But in all my research I found a list of foods that mimic the gluten molecule so when I eat them my body attacks itself. I gave up gluten last year but am now giving up the other things on the list like corn, chocolate, and coffee! It's not easy...this is day one for the coffee and I'm lucky to even be writing this! 

I was going to post about my birthday weekend with my daughter but I'll get to that next time!
We had a wonderful time:)

Also, don't miss these other great Etsy shops joining in on the 10% OFF Christmas in July sale!
Here's a link to our Pinterest board for fun and easy browsing!


It's Christmas Time again...

this one is being revised:)

...Christmas in July that is! Join my shop and these other great shops from our Creative Trends Team for a 10% off sale! There's also a bonus coupon for November, if you purchase now. I don't hold sales very often; my next one won't be until Thanksgiving time, so...if you have had your eye on one of my original paintings now would be a great time to shop! I also have new giclees in my shop which are also on sale. The sale ends on July 21st but hurry so you don't miss anything. 

Here are the links to the other great shops participating in the sale-







This week I'm also participating in the Party over at Cindy's blog My Romantic Home

Have a great weekend!


Sunflowers Painting!

being revised
My inspiration for this painting was the weekly challenge on Daily Paintworks! I was a day late but at least I did it. I've done a few smaller sunflower paintings but never one this large. I tried to keep the colors dark so that the sunflowers could be the star of the show! With all that sunshine yellow there's no need for any other saturated color, with the exception of the touches of the magenta "flowers" that I added in the end. But even the magenta is not pure. 

Fourth of July has come and gone so quickly. Now it's on to my birthday! Time really needs to slow down! Summer is my favorite season and it seems so short. In honor of my favorite month I'm having a Christmas in July Sale in my Etsy shop! The sale goes from July 11th-21st and I'm offering 10% off anything in my shop. Mark your calendars! 
Time flies and the next thing you know it'll be Christmas time again! 


Using Photos for References

As I mentioned in my previous post, I use different resources for my paintings. Some of it comes from imagination, in that I make I might put some wildflowers in the foreground or change the shape of tree so that its more pleasing to the composition. My florals rarely look anything like my references. I might buy a bouquet of lilies and use them as reference for sunflowers, or add another vase of roses that wasn't exactly there in my set up. I also like to play up the colors. But I usually have some photos to use as references. Sometimes the worst photos make the best paintings. This painting is an example of this situation. Here's the reference photo for this one. This is all I used...nothing else, but my memories of cruising down this beautiful road last year...too long ago, I might say! 

We were driving when I took this shot, so it's through a windshield and a little blurry (I sharpened it). I pumped up the colors a lot and discovered the trees were just starting to bloom (or at the end of the bloom...not sure). I was drawn to this photo, out of the 100's I took) because of the beautiful winding road with the shadows crossing it. I also liked how the sun was coming through at the end of the road (light at the end of the tunnel!) I had to crop a lot so the road hit at just the right spot. 

I have always been drawn to roads and paths. They represent the future to me and I love the idea of the light at the end. One of my favorite things to do is to take a slow drive in the beautiful country we live in. I'm usually the lucky passenger so I get to snap shots like this one to capture that time for future reference. I've also just discovered how to take a picture on google maps so the world is just a click away! I think I'll "visit" San Francisco via Google Maps. I have a few shots I took on my phone so they might suffice but it's nice to have more choices at my fingertips. 

Happy 4th of July to all of my American friends! 
This marks the countdown to my birthday in 10 days!
I always say I'm not going to celebrate anymore but still get excited when its 
approaching. July is definitely my favorite month!


NEW Website!

Field of Sunflowers and Peonies

  available on etsy Available Here Working on more landscapes this week and also framing my new flower series! I have to paintings to go tho...