
Maui photos!

Sunset from Kaanapali Beach


view of Kapalua

Here's a few photos of mine from our trip to Maui. I have so many, 
but won't bore you with all of them. Now I just need to get busy painting them. I am so inspired!
I may even try to paint a sunset, something I haven't tried yet. I haven't been making my rounds to everyone's blog too much
lately and want to apologize for that. I'm going to be even more busy come next week, as we are moving to a new place. Same town just new house. I'm excited about it! 
But I'm not looking forward to an aching back from all the moving. So I might not have any new paintings for this week because the paint will be 
too wet to move. Maybe I'll do some watercolors. Have a wonderful weekend! 


Maui Upcountry Jacaranda

(I had to remove the original because the size was too large and it didn't have a watermark) 
Here's my latest painting inspired by my trip to Maui. The Jacaranda trees were just starting to
bloom. There were so many beautiful farms, it felt like a storybook. The colors really are this vivid there.
The only thing missing is a rainbow. If you love rainbows, there's always one
somewhere on the island; it's magical!

Sharing on Show and Tell Friday with Cindy from My Romantic Home

I also did a smaller cropped version of this one for a challenge on Dailypaintworks

Hawaii photos...stay tuned


Well, I have returned from my amazing vacation on Maui. Although I still love Kauai, Maui is now one of my favorites! Actually, I can't choose which island I like more. I wish I could live on any of them (except Oahu). I'm working on a new painting of the Upcountry with a Jacaranda tree. They're blooming now! They are my absolute favorite tree! I was so inspired by this trip! There is so much for the senses there...it's amazing. I just wish we could have stayed longer. Next time:)

So...all of my photos from the trip are stuck in my mom's camera. I borrowed it instead of lugging my dslr around. Her camera takes great pictures and I got some great ones, but I can't get them off of there! We've looked everywhere for the cable. I think we have to order a new one. So until I figure it out...I'll just post my paintings. 
Thank you for all of your nice comments! And thank you Terra for posting your painting! 
Enjoy your day!


I am here...

Hi everyone...or should I say...Aloha!
I've captured so many inspirational photos
I can't wait to get started painting! This time away
has been good though, not just for relaxing in my favorite
place, but also for reflection about where I am,
and where I am going. I love vacations!
So good for the mind and soul:)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and I'm sorry I haven't been visiting
everyone, but my computer doesn't work so well in the sun!
I plan on posting some photos soon!



contact me

I just finished this one and called it "Blush". I love this color!
I just got my hair done, highlights, and am feeling
so happy! I love getting my hair done. It's just like spring
all fresh and new!


Spring blooms...

available here

It was such a beautiful day here today so I spent sometime outside, but
managed to finish this one. I sat out near some gigantic lilac bushes (more like trees).
We have white and lilac and they smell so sweet. 
The only bad thing was all the bees.
There were bees of every kind but mostly the big black bomber bees, I think they're called 
wood bees. I left them alone and they thankfully they did the same. I don't 
know if they sting but I sure didn't want to find out!
I had a great weekend...I hope you did to.

(I'm surprised I didn't capture a bee in this photo!)


And the winner is...

Terra from Terragarden.blogspot.com!

Congratulations Terra, please contact me and let
me know which painting you choose!
A big Thank You goes out to
Tish from A Femmeduncertainage.blogspot, for hosting
this giveaway! Tish is so gracious and I always gain such
great information from her blog. Whether it be
fashion, skincare or so many other things, I'm always glad I visit!
Thank you all for your support! All of your kind
comments about my art mean so very much to me! 

Have a wonderful weekend!


I'll call her Spring...

contact me

contact me

She just reminds me of Spring so I'm calling her "Spring 1". The "1" because I might do more like this. 
If you've been following my art for awhile then you know I'm not that creative when it comes to titles.
It's even a chore to title my blog posts sometimes! 
I hope everyone is having a great week. Mine is going great. I managed to find the perfect pair of white linen capris for my trip (among other things) And the best thing was, when I got to the checkout counter
I found out they were 1/2 off! So I got another pair. 

We should be announcing the winner by Friday so please check back.
Ok...take care!


Some changes...

available on Etsy here

available on Etsy here

Change is Good

After working on a few watercolors and the black and white portrait, I had a need to revisit these paintings
with a fresh approach. I'm not sure if you can tell what changes I made but I feel like they both needed more expression. I don't like for my paintings to get too tight and felt like a little loosening up would help. Sometimes it really helps to step away and to work on something completely different to get a different perspective to my work. I'm happy with the changes, I hope you are too:)

I'm joining in on Show and Tell Friday here!


Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest
Here's another new watercolor I just listed on Etsy. She was inspired by all the 
Fairytale shows and movies
coming out. Who doesn't love a good fairytale!



prints available

New Watercolors

With Spring comes new and fresh ideas. I've dug out my watercolors and am working on a new 
series of refreshing floral watercolors. 
I guess they could be considered illustrations. I also used
some acrylics, pen, and pencil in some of them, so...they could also be considered mixed media.
Two more will be posted soon. 
I'm not sure how long I will continue these...maybe just through Spring. 
It's been forever since I've done watercolors. Quite a change from the preparation and smells that oils possess. While I still love oils, these feels crisp and fresh, kind of like the weather outside today.
More vintage ladies, interiors, and landscapes to come. I'm thinking of maybe doing 
another Venice, or maybe a Parisian landscape!

Join me over here for Friday Show and Tell

NEW Website!

Old Hollywood Glamour to Classical Ballet...Inspiration is Everywhere!

  "Love You" available here I am inspired by romance and old Hollywood black and white photos are full of that. This is inspired b...