
New Fall Tree Painting and new catalog...


I thought I'd give do another birch tree painting for the DPW challenge since my last one has a bid! I'm loving the fall colors that are emerging. I think next week might be a good one for taking pictures around town and in the mountains. 
I like how this one turned out. It has such a fall feel to it and when I was painting it I was totally thinking...Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays even though I haven't done anything for years. I used to love dressing up and then there were the costume parties. So much fun! After I had my daughter, I enjoyed taking her trick or treating and sneaking her snickers she got. (shhh don't tell her) haha! Now she's in her third year of college and going to her own costume parties. I always make sure she takes a pic on her phone of her costume so I can see it.  

Here's a new catalog from a blogger friend of mine. If you love French items, antiques, jewelry, etc. you should definitely check it out. I couldn't figure out how to put the mini of it on here but here's the link


Birch Trees Fall Foliage!


This was a painting I just completed for the weekly challenge on DPW. This is my first attempt at painting these trees and it was definitely a challenge with so many vertical lines! 
I used both a brush and palette knife for added interest. The painting isn't quite as dark on the bottom right in person, I think the easel gave it a shadow. I'm going to fix the tree in the middle so that 
the top isn't so pronounced. I just need to blur it a little 
because right now it's almost smack in the middle, which divides the painting in half.


Little Gull Guy

I did this for a challenge and didn't think I would like it but I do. It's cute, don't you think? I added a slight point to the tail because it just looks a little too blunt here. I'm planning a new floral piece right now and also thinking about some umbrellas. This weekend flew by and I can't believe we're in fall now. I can really feel it in the air. I'm looking forward to the beautiful fall colors around here. I was in L.A. at this time last year so I missed the colors.



in private collection

Kauai is one of my favorite islands in Hawaii. I really love them all but I've been to Kauai three times now and never get tired of it. It's everything I think of when I think of paradise. 
I took this photo a few years back and just found it when looking for another. It's a beach called Salt Pond Beach Park. I remember we almost had the whole beach to ourselves. 
It was magical, just like every day is in Kauai. 


French Country Decor...


Well my Trinity County scene has gone through a lot of changes. I almost trash it all together but
I think I like it now. I haven't posted it yet because i'm still thinking about it. I may have chosen the wrong view to use.Anyway, I painted this little guy today outside. I'm trying to get my plein air equipment together. I had some help from a post by a fellow painter. Here's her blog with a link directly to her directions on making a pochade box.I have the tripod but still need to attach the box. I used eye hooks on one side of the box and put wire through itso it won't swing open all the way. I still need something to keep it from closing. Lauren used a hanger wire which sounds like a good idea. There's some drilling involved and something I have to get at the hardware store soI'll have to finish it in a few days. I've pain tined outside before but at a table.I'm trying to get set up so I can paint anywhere. It's only taken me about 2 or 3 years to do this; I think it's definitely time.


Just a few small changes...


The changes I made may not even be noticeable to you. 
I took the yellow out that was in the top
right corner, toning the background down a bit. 
Now it has pinks, blues and grays which may be go
with more decor. 
So, I've lived in "the woods" off and on, for over 10 years. 
Since then I've dealt with a lot of creatures in my house that
I would really rather not have to deal with. We've had frogs, millipedes, big, big, spiders,
mice, scorpions, and bats. Last night a bat came in and flew right at my face as I 
was trying to run down the hall and shut my door. I turned around to see where it was and there
it was right in front of my face! We couldn't get it out because our ceilings are so high so we shut
the door and went to bed. It was gone in the morning and now I'm so freaked out that
it's going to pop out at me again. I know they can have rabies but don't think I 
was bit. I think I would know.  I really, really, want to move back to the
beach right now!


On auction!


This one is on auction and it ends in 2 days. 
Here's a few other views...

I've finally started a new painting after taking about two weeks off. My daughter was visiting for a week then I took her back to college. So now it's time to get busy! I'm trying to paint some local scenes for a gallery I'm going to be in. I'm contemplating whether to enter the juried show there. Anyway, look for some wilderness and lake scenes to come! I really prefer the beach but am spreading my wings a little. 
Have a wonderful weekend!


A Day at the Beach take 2...

has been revised

A Day at the Beach
by Jennifer Beaudet
Oil on Canvas
24x30 inch

I retook this painting today with outside lighting...much better.
This is a larger painting of the small study I did a few weeks ago. 
This is how I like to spend my days. How about you? Have a wonderful day!


Venice Cruising...


This painting was inspired by my dad's trip to Italy. It's been a while since I've painted from his photos. I would love to visit in person someday. Italy and Greece are top on my list but I always seem to choose Hawaii. I have many years to get there but I would really like to go with my mom who will be 70 this year. We've always talked about taking a trip to Europe with my daughter and my sister.

 I'm currently working on a large pier painting and should have it done today. It's very similar to this beach scene but a lot larger!



Pink Roses with Cherries...

on Etsy here
There's just something about the color pink and when you add green it's even more beautiful. I haven't done one of these in a while and thought it was time for a little frilly pink! This one has deep sides that are gallery wrapped so no need for a frame here! I've had a busy week with sales, sales, sales! I've sold four paintings in the last two weeks! Things are going well. I will be painting another large pier painting and some more umbrellas. Thanks so much for all your support! I appreciate each and every one of you!


Maui Upcountry!

Upcountry in Bloom
by Jen Beaudet Z from California 

I've reworked this painting of Maui Upcountry. I simplified it and changed the green so it leaned more yellow. I also changed the sky. I think it's all more calming now. Thanks so much
for all your comments and support!

I am a little obsessed with Hawaii and I think it shows in my art. This piece was inspired by David Schoonover's beautiful photo of Maui. When I was there the jacarandas weren't blooming like this! 


Figure in Red Dress

Available here

I just finished this oil painting of a somewhat abstract figure in a red dress. Any suggestions for a name?
I think it's going to be called "The Moment". Thank you for the suggestion Terra! 
I'm so inspired to paint more like this and the other vintage dress painting I recently did.

I just got the Zumba fitness program and am starting it with my mom. I need to loose 20 pounds by October. We'll see if it works! I'm excited to start seeing and feeling the results! 

Welcome to all my new followers and visitors! I'm so happy to have you stop by:)
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Inspiration Friday Graphic_thumb[3]

New Figure Painting...

Painting by Jen Beaudet Zondervan born 1970 California 
This is my latest impressionist oil painting. For now it;s going to be titled something like Girl Sitting. Any suggestions are welcome! I'll have it listed on Etsy later this afternoon but was hoping to get a little feedback before I did. Your comments are always appreciated! 


Sunflowers Peonies and more!


8x8 oil on hard wood panel board
ready to hang

These are some belated birthday flowers. They've lasted a while but it's time to get
some new ones now. I love using lemons in my paintings. They add such a fresh feel. The paint is juicy although you can't see in the photo. This is my first painting that I've singed as Jen Beaudet. I may start signing my full name but haven't decided yet. Thanks so much for stopping by. I look forward to hearing your comments and feedback. 


New Vintage Dress Painting!

I revised this painting and it's now in a private collection
Revisiting my vintage dress paintings the other day inspired me to do a large one. The dress I used for reference was a vintage prom dress or maybe a wedding dress but I updated it a little with the floral appliqués that I love so much in today's bridal styles. I love to watch "Say Yes To The Dress" and am so inspired by the dresses on there. I know, I'm a dork...but I just love that show. I also love weddings and would get remarried every year if I could! I am really happy with how this painting turned out. I had been wanting to do something like this for a long time but I think I wasn't ready until now.

Joining the party at My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday-
so many great links there!


Redondo Beach Artist Jen Beaudet Zondervan


Here's my latest painting of the Redondo Beach Pier. This one is really large compared to other ones I've been doing lately. It took me a while to get the colors of the pier the way I wanted them but I'm happy with it now. I miss this place...so many great memories.

Joining the party at My Romantic Home here


Birthday Painting Day!

email me if interested

Today's my birthday and I'm going to spend it painting! I'm working on a large 24x30 piece. It's a beach scene of Redondo Beach. How I wish I could spend 
the day at the beach today...

This is my latest painting of a beautiful tree lit with the warmth of the sun. 

Happy Weekend!!!

NEW Website!

Old Hollywood Glamour to Classical Ballet...Inspiration is Everywhere!

  "Love You" available here I am inspired by romance and old Hollywood black and white photos are full of that. This is inspired b...